IN THE BEGINNING: (Hummmm, now where have I heard that before??? LOL) I was born March 24, 1969, at Camp Zama Japan. I popped into the world at 6 lbs 4 oz and 21 1/2 in. I had a TON of jet black curley hair!!! Drove my poor Mom nuts!! I was a GREAT baby (just ask me I'll tell ya!)

SCHOOL DAYS: (or is that daze??)
Elementary School: Being a military family we moved A LOT. From Japan we went to Hawaii, then to Texas, then to Okinawa where I went to Kindergarden. Then to Mass. (can't spell it abbreviate it LOL) was in first and second grade there, then to Utah for third and fourth, then to Missouri (the first time) for fifth. On to Colorado for sixth and seventh (which I got straight F's in, because I ditched the whole year, but they passed me anyway), then back to Missouri where I decided to retake 7th grade (got straight A's this time).

Jr./Sr High: The rest of my schooling was at Laquey High School in Laquey Mo. I was active in Speech/Debate and played the drums all 4 years in the band. HS was pretty boring for me, BUT the most exciting thing happend to me when I was 16... click here to find out what!!!! I ended up with a A- average for all 4 years, and graduated a semester early because I had too many credits. Was supposed to start College on Jan 21, but on the 18 I came down with CHICKEN POX (go figure) So I had to wait to start untill the first part of May and graduated High School the end of May, KEWL huh??

College: Went to college at Metro Business College and took Travel/Tourism but didn't get to finish because (stupidly) I got married.

THE MARRIAGE: (Does anyone else hear the theme from JAWS playing?? No???)To the point.....it was abusive, it was miserable, and thank God it was SHORT!! Ok, the less said about that time of my life the better, the ONLY good thing from this was I got pregnant with my son...Roger, the joy of my life.

ROGER: (Time for mushy Mom stuff!) I had Roger at Cox South in Springfield Mo. He was supposed to be my Christmas present (due Dec 24) but he decided to show up 8 weeks early!!!! He arrived into this world at 4 lbs and 3 oz and 17 1/4 in. (Little guy huh???) He was perfectly healthy just tiny. He stayed in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for 21 days, then he got to come home!!! He has been such a wonderful child...growing fine and WAY above developemental averages. I am sooo blessed by the way God has taken care of him. Now he is 9 (almost 10, WOW they grow soo fast) and halfway finished with the fifth grade. He is an amazing young man...sweet, compassionate and very loving..while at the same time ALL BOY!!!! (Shhhhhhhh....don't tell him but here is a Pict of ... Roger =)

Well, that pretty much sums up my life to date, HOPEFULLY I will be making additions to this really soon!!! ;o)

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