I really liked this Betta,
but he is no longer
This is my Pearl, he has a nice
red patch in his lower fin. Sometimes has a bluish sheen.
This is Red with a blue/green shimmerey
, he is really big.
Very temperamental and likes to rearrange
things, break things, etc... (don't they all)
And now he is alone. His latest victim is the intake tube on the filter.
And he is for Sale!!!!!
Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)
(Pl*costomus punctatus)
Jack Dempsey
(Cichlasoma octofasciatum)
Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus)
Winchester nearly killed Remmy , so that
is why Remmy gets the bigger tank. Also likes to rearrange things and tear
apart the filter tubes so I had to disguise it with a plant. Has worked so
Blue (no longer an unknown), was free to a good home can't pass that up.
I have moved him back with Remmy, they seem to get along better. And he is
thriving very well and his fins are growing back.
Sticky-Guy is my only pl*co at this time.
Other Tanks
10 Gal Goldfish - - 1 very large Goldfish(if I knew Remmy and Blue
wouldn't kill it I would put it in the 55) and 3 other smaller ones.
10 Gal Community - - 2 Clown Loachs (Botia maracantha), 1 Kuhli (Acanthophthalmus myersi),
3 Blackskirt Tetras (gymnocorymbus ternetzi), 2 Neon Tetras(Paracheirodon innesi), 3
feeder guppies, 2 female bettas.
Please drop me a line if you have simular
interest or any comments: Springfire
Here are
a few fishy links
few good Info Places