My name is Madeline
I started this webpage some time in 1996, I believe.
My whole intention had been to let others know that
I believe in myself as a human being, that I would find ways
to overcome the obstacles that I found as a single parent,
and that I, and my children, would find healing, strength
and growth, despite the struggles we have had to face.
I had hoped that somehow our lives would touch others who
can relate to our experiences and somehow uplift spirits,
nurture ourselves, and we would emerge with wondrous stories to share.
As I write this, 2001 begins its farewell stroll down memory lane.
There has been much tribulation this year, and a shift in attitude
has emerged from within each of us
since the terrorist strikes on our homeland.
Everyone I know thinks more now about
their families than they did just last year--even last summer.
And most of us have discovered that the parent's instinct to protect
is a very strong emotion. Now, I realize that there is nothing I know
of the future but of its uncertainty.
However, I will continue writing about all the things I have
been doing, learning, creating. Perhaps the tiny things I do today
will somehow contribute to the growth of our humanity.
In the meantime, let's continue striving to preserve the American dream.
Even those who are not American understand what I have just said.
The American dream has always been a simple and basic human desire:
to live together in harmony
"One nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All."
On this small planet, I believe most of us understand this basic human desire.