Young Adults of Bearden Barbecue!

Saturday, May 18, 2002 @ Beaden UMC!
Time: TBA

Make your plans now to join us on Saturday, May 18th for a barbecue and celebration.  Several members of the Pathfinders and the Young Single Adult class have had some big milestones this year and we want to join them in celebrating their achievements!   And, of course, we want to share in a time of food and fellowship!  Everyone is invited to attend the event.  (We will be at the church, so there will be the playground for the kids to use!!)

Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns and condiments will be provided. (If you are a vegetarian, please let us know!!)  The rest of the meal is a potluck as follows:

A-H:  Salad
G-R: Fruit/Vegetable
S-Z: Desert.

We will also need everyone's help!  We will need volunteers to bring grills, help cook and for set-up and clean-up!  There is a sign-up sheet at the church on the young adult bulletin board. Please sign up with your name, phone number and/or e-mail address! 

If you have questions or need more information, please see Michael Hickerson (670-0050, or Justin and Leigh Gardner or Shawnda Earnst.