15. "Did we just pass a mushroom farm?"
14. "...that's a LOT of fudgecake!"
13. "Are you trying to tell us something, Tinkerbell?"
12. "Pass me a pixie stick."
11. "...and buttered scones for tea!"
10. "Rule #3! You're violating rule #3!"
9. "Where are the bendie straws?"
8. "That's something you just can't do without thumbs."
7. "I've seen all I care to see of the colored rope."
6. "I can fit my whole fist in my mouth."
5. "Get OFF the highway!"
4. "Denial is a pretty big river."
3. "Have you ever...(dramatic pause)..."
2. "I'm a grilled cheese..."
1. "Puffy"


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