Club Homepage

Facts About Infantilism 

Some Formative
Elements of Infantilism

Balancers and Naturals 

A Little Physiology 

The History of This Site 

What I've Learned From This Site 

My Story 

Some Simple Solutions 

Links & Contacts

The Infantilist Support Club Forum
(for Infantilists)

The SO Support Forum
(for the Significant Others of Infantilists)

The Email Exchange Chatroom

The Infantilist's Declaration of Independence From Ignorance

The History of This Web-Site

(Last updated May, 2004)         

          I first posted this website to its current free GeoCities home in August of 1997 in the hopes of seeing if there might be any other infantilists out there who might have been uncomfortable with the seemingly unchecked levels of fantasy that it then appeared that all other infantilists were advocating on the web.  In October of 1997 I added another feature to the site, the Infantilist Support Club Forum.  This feature quickly became the most popular feature of the site.
          In December of that year, it soon became clear to me that the amount of free-time I had available to administer the site had almost diminished to zero. At about that same time, one forum participant, Kathy S. (of noticed that I wasn't paying enough attention to the site, and volunteered to step in to keep it afloat. For the next four and a half years, not only did Kathy administer this website, but she also added the "Sister-Forum", which eventually evolved into what is now the SO Support Forum.
          The evolution and history of this "Sister-Forum" is worthy of note. That forum was originally intended to be a forum for those infantilists who had decided they were what are called Full-Stop infantilists (see definition ). In other words, infantilists who were determined to "kick the habit" completely some day. For reasons of which I am not entirely clear, it seems that the Full-Stop approach to infantilism didn't do as well in generating an ongoing discussion as the Balancer philosophy (see definition ), the philosophy generally followed in the Infantilist Support Club Forum.  This may change some day, who knows.
          In 1999 Kathi also ran out of enough free-time and closed down the Infantilist Support Club Forum, while she continued to maintain both this website, as well as the "Sister-Forum". In April of 2002, I found that my schedule was again allowing me enough time to again do more, in addition to taking over this website back from Kathy, I then also restarted the Support Club Forum.  Kathy continued taking responsibility for the "Sister-Forum", as she does with my gratitude to this day.
          In January of 2004, the decision was made to add a link to the Overcoming Infantilism Support Forum to the Contacts page.  The addition of this link to the site generated considerable controversy, and even caused some long-standing and long valued supporters of this site to leave with a sense of disappointment.  This controversy was due to the fact the the Overcoming Infantilism Support Forum takes a strictly Christian Evangelical approach as to how to supposedly Overcome Infantilism.  This type of approach is seen by the majority of the participants in the Infantilist Support Club Forum to possibly be a psychologically unhealthy and counterproductive way of temporarily achieving external control, while still failing to achieve any kind of inner peace or harmony with this situation, instead only intensifying the inner struggle.
          In May of 2004, for personal reasons, Kathi S. handed over the administration of the SO Support Forum to myself.  The SO Support Forum is currently in the process of being restructured into a format that is hoped to further enhance its abilities to meet the needs of the SO participants of this forum.  Currently this restructuring includes the appointment of two new (but long acquainted) SO sysops for the SO Support Forum, a new SO Forum Posting Agreement Page, plus certain new posting restrictions for Non SO's who might wish to post there. All of these arrangements have been arrived at after close consultation with both Kathi, and with the SO participants of that Forum.  This very new structure for the SO Support Forum is naturally tentative, and will be closely monitored for possible additional improvements as may be needed over the upcoming months.
          I hope you might find the information found in this site and in its Forums to be of value. I must confess, my motives for setting up this site have been entirely selfish. I have wanted to find out more about myself. In the process, I thank each person who has contributed to the entries of the Forums, and also to the newer sections of the site. May you too find out more about yourselves, as we all work towards finding a greater peace and harmony in our lives and in the world around us.


                                 Scott P.