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These awards are for site excellence without specifying a category. That means these awarders liked our site without necessarily hitting a topic that was close to their heart. Wow! That's neat!

The awards are chronologically listed, with the most recent first.

From Peg Cook, Navy Chief and Deputy Sheriff.

....Charlie -- Your website DOES have everything! I'm proud to have it (Burger Doodle) on your website!

Thanks Peg, You're a treasure!
Burger Doodle

We just visited your pages again and we're Happy to report that you are indeed a Heartbeat's One & Two's Groovy Site winner!

Congratulations! You really do have a great site and it put us in such a good mood.

Wow! This is our second award from Heartbeat's 1 & 2.
Thanks, Bev & Mike.

Visit their site for the best in 50's & 60's music!

Heartbeat Groovy Site Award 2nd award

...I have finished reviewing your site and I just have to say IT'S AWESOME!!! Your use of tables is simply amazing and a wonderful thing to see.

I was undecided whether to put it here, or with our Military awards. But since Guy said, "Web Excellence", ...well, here it is!
Top Gun

I would like it if you would accept this award that I give to deserving people and you are deserving.

Thanks, Wrangler.
Wrangler's Award

From a Texan and a fellow retired Navy Airdale.

Thanks, Flange.

What a great page!
We enjoyed our visit to your site and are pleased to inform you that you have been selected as a winner of the Golden Page Award. You site has been added to our Hall of Fame in the Home Page and Information sections.
Your information on K9 units and your two (High Drive) dogs are unique and captivating. Being a former police reporter for a daily paper, I have had the opportunity to know many K9 officers and I have always enjoyed their devotion to duty and their partners.
Golden Page Award
From 'In The Spotlight'. Thank you, Dave.

Congratulations! You really do have a lovely site and it put us in such a great mood. Your fur Baby's, pictures, each and every page are really beautiful.Heartbeat Groovy Site Award
From Heartbeats One and Two, Thanks Bev and Mike.

Very interesting site. I enjoyed it very much. Keep doin' it right!......Gary Coyote' Country Award
From Coyote Country. Thanks Gary.

You have a wonderful site and I have enjoyed my visit. You have obviously put a lot of time and effort into your pages and it shows. Keep up the good work. Carolmana's Site Great Site Award
From Carolmana. Thank You.
We also received a Pet Award for our GSD pages.

Thank you for sending me an Award Request, through it I've been able to visit your site. That in itself requires my thanks. I thoroughly enjoyed visiting you both and will definitely be visitng you again soon.

You're both special people, your pages are so full of spirit and love it's impossible not to feel it.

Angel's Making A Difference Award
For Making A Difference
From An Angels Cloud. Thank You, Jane.
Jane also gave us a very special and hard to qualify for award which appears on our Patriotic/Mlitary Awards page for 1998.

Congratulations! Your Web site has been selected to win an Elite Site Award. (award mentioned in the Wall Street Journal 2/19/97 B1) This award signifies that your site contains quality content and has skillful design.Ravi's Elite Award
Ravi's Elite Site Award is a prestigious award. We done good.
Thanks, Ravi.

Congratulations what a wonderful sight. I found it not only pleasantly designed, but easy to follow and quick to load. Keep up the good work.Siver Cup Award
The Silver Cup Award.
Thanks, John.

Great page! Please accept Pamela's Pure Country Award! Warm Western Wishes!Pamela's Pure Country Award
Unfortunately Pam's site seems to have disappeared.
But, Thanks Anyway Pam.

Member of The SisterHood

Beverly Crowley

Admitted: 10/22/97

Thanks, Bev

Member of the BrotherHood

Laura's Strength and Integrity Award

From Laura Phillips
We know where Laura's heart is , too. But again, this is a general class award.
Thank you, Laura

Gecko Country Award
This was our very first award. We're very proud of it. It's from Chuck Stewart's Gecko Country
We know where Doc's heart is, but this is a general class award.
Thanks, Chuck

Background Music is:
Bang A Gong

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Last Update: 09/22/02
Web Author: Charlie Joseph
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