"A good Navy is not a provocation to War.
It is the surest guaranty of Peace."
President Theodore Roosevelt, Dec. 2, 1902

Colors Don't Run
Graphic: Courtesy of Doc

The destruction of the WTC and the damage to the Pentagon. The loss of life, the terrible injuries and heart-breaking rending of families engendered by the attacks of September 11, 2001 graphically illustrate some of the points I've tried to make on this page. On one hand my heart is heavy, as you would expect. But on the other, I am gratified by the outpouring of support for the agencies and origanzations honored here. The true depth of the feeling of the American people has risen to the surface. It is sad that it took such a terrible series of events to bring it out. But I am so proud of the American Spirit right now. So proud to be part of it. So proud to be an American.
All of the agencies here deserve every word of praise we can give them. But I'm sure you understand why I'm giving these two particular groups a special note of recognition. My own father was an NYC firefighter as were three of his brothers. Their father, my grandfather was an NYC police officer. I understand what it is to be a family member of ones so brave. I salute them. They would be proud of those that fill their shoes today.

Amazing Grace is the semi-official song of mourning to honor fallen firefighters and police officers. It plays to honor the fallen heros of Sept 11, 2001

The thoughts expressed are my own and not official policy or sanctioned by any person or agency.

Thought #1. Some Americans wonder why we need such a powerful Navy. Let there be no doubt, the prime reason they are free to wonder this, is because their Navy owns the oceans, on the surface, below the surface and the skies above. My brothers and sisters of the surface and undersea forces can take equal pride in that. If any group or nation has military designs on the USA via the oceans of the world, they must first contend with the US Navy. That means they play in our ballpark, by our rules. Owning the oceans also gives the US the ability to project and protect our international interests. Since, at present, there are no other "Super-Powers", the Navy's focus will be to project landward, from the seas. Using the great oceans to buffer and protect us. Our duty as citizens, by voting, is to insure the interests projected and protected are legitimate. We must not dismantle the force that makes it possible. This includes our equally dedicated brothers and sisters of the:

Click on Service Logo for SiteClick on Service Name for Musical Salute

Thought #2. Because we are so well insulated by our Navy, we must also guard against end runs. Specifically: Terrorism and the Drug Enforcement problem. This gives us cause to salute the dedicated people of civilian agencies such as:

US Immigration and NaturalizationUS Border Patrol.
Sister Service of Immigration
There's A Star Spangled Banner WavingEl PasoAgainst All OddsSong For America
US CustomsCIAATFUS Marshals Service
BatmanHark, Spy!Tax ManAnd Justice For All
Click On Seal (Logo) for SiteIf Name Underlined, Click for Musical Salute
In Memoriam
July 24, 1998
Jacob Chestnut
John Gibson
In Memoriam
August 7, 1998State Dept.
12 Brave
US Secret ServiceUS Fish and Widlife ServiceUS Capitol PoliceState Dept.
Foreign Service
Hail To The ChiefDeer HunterCelebration of HeroesHonored Dead

Some Good Info on TERRORISM.

Thought #3. While I'm on the subject, let's not forget our Local and State Police Forces, our Fire Departments and EMS people and K-9 SAR teams. Some of these folks risk their lives daily and are often faced with instant decisions under pressure, only to be second guessed by people with the luxury of hindsight. I have listed our local agencies as representative of all the agencies across the country that deserve a salute.

Featured: Bay District VFD
St. Mary's County Sheriff's Dept.St. Mary's County Fire and Rescue ServicesMaryland State PoliceSouthern Maryland Search and Rescue Dogs
The Sheriff The FiremanMaryland State SongTalk To The Animals
Click On Seal (Logo) for SiteIf Name is Underlined, Click for Musical Salute

The Internet for Law Enforcement Officers. Includes Personal Sites of Officers.

Enough Soap Box. I've always wanted to say those things. Now I have!

I originally put the musical salutes up untitled. We've had so many requests to know the titles that I've added another row on Table 2 and 3 with the song name.

Military graphic courtesy 'Doc' Gecko
Fallen Officer & Firefighter Medals courtesy Ron Fleischer

God Bless The USA

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