Fayette County Court House
Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Registor of Wills
Will dated: June 12, 1793

Filed in Dept. Reg. of Wills
Date August 13, 1793
Will Book page 83


In the name of God Amen. I Jacob Tharp of the county of Fayette and state of Pennsylvania and being poorly in body, but of sound mind memory and understanding, calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and that it is appointed for man to die do make my last will and testament in the manner and form following Viz.

I commend my body to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and I recommend my soul to that supremly great and intelegent being the father of mercie hoping that the merits of my redeemer he will receive the same in mercy and in love and for as much as it has please God to bless me with some worldly estate I will that the same be disposed of as follows Viz.

I give and bequeath to my wife Febe Tharp all her wearing cloths and elven pounds ten shillings and the plantation while she remains my widow.

I give and bequeath my son William Tharp four dollars.

I give and bequeath to my son Jacob Tharp one dollar.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Abigail a certain yearling hieffer known by the name of white backs calf.

I give and bequeath to my son Levi one hundred and twenty acres of land next to John Robisons and the old gun and all that belongs to it.

I give and bequeath to my son Elihu and Isreal the remainder to be equally divided between them Elihu is to have the steel trap and Isreal is to have the broad ax.

I request that these articles below memtioned may be sold, wheat, corn, flax, oats, and apple trees in the nursery and grass that is now on the ground and all movables to be sold. I request after my debt is paid that they may be cleared out of the office and at the end of twelve months after, my son Jacob Tharp is to restore his part back when they get possession of the land and then the whole be divided that remains of the estate between the three youngest girls also. I desire that my three youngest boys may be put to trades, if possible and my desire is that my six youngest children shall be bound out in good decent families -- my daughter Febe is not to be bound out until she is seven years of age.

This is my last will and testament I do hereby constitute and appoint Zachariah Connel, Jacob Gurwell of this estate afforsaid to be Executors there of in witness where of I the said Jacob Tharp to this my last wil and testament have here unto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of June Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred and ninety three ---

J B - and all moveables to be sold enter lined before signed --

Jacob Tharp (Seal) Signed Sealed publish and declared by the said Jacob Tharp as his last will and testament whoat his request we have hereunto subscribed our names.

Robert Speer John Robison Mary Speer



Fayette County, Pa.

The 13th day of August Anno Domini 1793 before me the subscriber Deputy Protemp in and for the county of Fayette in the common wealth of Pennsylvania ppersonally came Robert Speer and John Robison the two first signing witness to the foregoing writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Jacob Tharp and on their solemn Oaths that they saw the testator Execute the same as and for his last will and testament that at the time of doing thereof he was in his right mind and that they know of no undue influence used therein or any later will made by him and that they signed the same as witnesses in the presence of the testator and each other given under my hand the same day.

Sam. King Dept. Reg. 15th September. Jacob Gurwell Sworn

Memorandum: That Letters Testamentary were granted in full form on the fifteenth day of September following Jacob Gurwell there having been sworn inventory to be returned as usal and an account to be rendered in one year or when there unto lawfully required.

Last update 11-07-98

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