My Pets

The Pet Page

My little Girl Jane passed away 8/22/00. Don't remember my heart ever breakin that hard. This is in memory of her:

"Dear Friends"

So dear friends your love has gone
Only tears to dwell upon
I dare not say as the wind must blow
So a love is lost
A love is won
Go to sleep and dream again
Soon your hopes will rise and then
From all this gloom life can start a new
And there'll be no crying soon

(Brian May)

This page is my personal dedication to my own little family. The pictures you will find here are truly my best friends. I'd also like to mention that the cat and the dogs were all Humane Society animals, as I am a firm believer in saving the life of an unwanted animal. Ben is, oh, about 7 or 8 and was adopted in GA. Fritz (the shepherd) is about 2 and a half and was adopted here in VA. I adopted him when he was about a year and a half so I have no puppy pics of him. KAdie (the newcomer) was dropped out of the drivers dide door of a van next to my house. Kadie hid under my car and I was only able to coax her out by opening my front gate. She scrambled in and now she won't leave. I've almost survived the housbreaking, but swear on all that is good, that I'll never raise another puppy.

Bill the cat is no longer around, but he'll always be remembered as the coolest cat in the world. I was never much of a cat lover but Bill and I were tight.

Over the years, I have housed quite a few different types of pets, including, tarantulas, birds, snakes, turtles, ferrets, cats, rats, cameleons, hamsters, girbils, rabbits, mice and fish (not to mention the ones on these pages), so I guess it's no surprise that my TV channel is usually set on the Animal Planet Channel. Untill next time....enjoy your friends and be kind to the ones you don't live with.

OK, they're here. Some brand new fresh pictures".
All three of em
Kadie - The new kid on the block
Kadie - again
Kadie - and again
Kadie - and yet another
Kadie - one more
Ben shaved and ready for summer
Another pic of "The shaved one"
All the kids
Chillin with their balls
Ben & Jane posing
Jane relaxing after a rough day of sleeping
The Conradts dog, Sofie
The Conradts latest addition, Olive
Fritz posing
Portrait of Fritz
Portrait of Ben
Another portrait of Ben
Ben takin a dump
Jane outside
Portrait of jane
Big Bad Ben
Fritz & Ben
Fritz & Ben 2
Bill the Cat
Ben & Jane
My homemade ferret cage
Ben as a wee pup
Jane as a wee pup
When they were young
My Dad & Bill
My little buddy Ren
Jane doin what she does best
Another puppy pic of Jane

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