Jans Corner
Resources Available for Queries
County/State Type Discriptions
Bedfordshire,England 1851 Census list Names,Age,Place of Birth
Fulton County,Ohio Patent Deeds of Fulton County,Ohio Name,Date,Land Descriptions,Cost as recorded at the Fulton County Court House
Fulton County,Ohio Index to 1850 Population and Agricultural Census Name.Township
Fulton County,Ohio Marriages Covers Aug 7,1864-June 10 1927
Fulton County,Ohio Tombstone Inscriptions Vol 1 Covers 32 Cemeteries in various townships
Fulton County,Ohio Tombstone Inscriptions Vol 2 Covers 24 Cemeteries in various townships
Lucas County,Ohio Declarations of Intent Covers the years 1844-1907
Williams County,Ohio Biographical Record of Williams Co. Civil War Veterans originally published in 1892
Williams County,Ohio Marriages Vol I,II,III Covers from Dec.2,1824-May 12,1868
Williams County,Ohio Marriages Vol IV Covers May 13,1868-May 7,1881
Williams County,Ohio Marriages Vol 7 Covers Nov.16 1895-Jan. 8,1899
Williams County,Ohio 1870 Census Florence township
Williams County,Ohio 1870 Census Springfield township
Williams County,Ohio 1870 Census Bridgewater townships
Williams County,Ohio Cemetery Records Florence township
Williams County,Ohio Cemetery Records Springfield township
Ill,Ind,Ky,Tenn & Ohio Marriages Early Marriages varies with state
Lucas County 1900 Census Covers precincts on west and north sides of Toledo,Ohio
Jan Maietta

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