Fleetwood Area Baseball Association


Fleetwood, Pennsylvania




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Reading Room

"If your child's coach wants to win all the time,
he's missing the point of youth baseball."

-- Coaching Winners by Dick Mills (Former major leaguer)
Read the entire article in our Reading Room...

The F.A.B.A meets on the Second Thursday of each month
at 7:00 pm at the
Fleetwood Community Center
110 West Arch Street, Fleetwood, PA

Next Meeting

May 14, 1998

All parents and coaches are encouraged to attend!

1997-98 Officers

Clark Frederick - President

Alan Ottinger - Vice-President

Thomas Weir - Treasurer

Eric Bauman - Secretary

Main|Meeting Minutes|Bulletin Board|Join FABA
Team Notes|Scores & Results|Tournament Info|E-mail FABA

This website was prepared and is maintained
for the Fleetwood Area Baseball Association FREE OF CHARGE

© 1997, 1998 Fleetwood Area Baseball Association