FABA Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Clark Frederick with 16 members present. The minutes of the March 12 meeting were read and accepted. Motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Tim Gardner and seconded by Tim Heffner. The Treasurer’s report was given by Tom Weir. March’s balance was $15,511.08. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Mike Mayer and seconded by Tim Gardner. Correspondence -Clifford Hill Sanitation expressed concern about the safety of their portable toilet at Andrew Maier. The new lock has been broken this year already. This incident followed vandalism last year in which the toilet was the victim of arson. A representative from the company stated that future problems could result in having the portable toilet removed from the premises. Clark Frederick assured them that the FABA will lock the toilet when not in use during an FABA activity. Committees Umpires - Randy Stitzel reminded the Association that their will be an umpires clinic Monday at Smith Field. Randy also reported that the FABA may need to purchase some shin guards and chest protectors. 13-15 Division - Tim Heffner reported that John Endy and Chris Mackey offered to run a 1/2 day clinic with all proceeds going to the FABA. Tim Heffner reported that the Junior Legion and City/County teams have been picked. Tim requested a master list of all registrants from the 13-15 age group. The Junior Legion Committee is selling is selling “Lottery” tickets based on the next day’s PA Lottery numbers. If the Association approves, the committee would like to make the lottery ticket sale an ongoing fundraiser. Tim suggested that the FABA purchase a “Small games of chance” license. The Association will take it under consideration. Senior Division - The senior Division will consist of 6 teams with 12 players per team. The schedule has been made. Two catcher’s masks need to be purchased for the 1998 season. Junior Division - National League - Steve Skehan reported that some work still needs to be done on the field in order to have it ready for opening day. Each team will consist of 12 players. Clark asked about field availability for practices and was told that there is a sign up sheet showing open dates in which coaches can reserve the field. Steve asked that if a coach reserves the field but does not use it, that they let that fact be known so that other teams can use it. Ivan Martinez asked if the American League teams could have access to the batting. cages. It was agreed that the American League teams could have use of the cage during the second half of the practices of their affiliated National League team. American League - Randy Brunner reported that a homeplate and a rake is needed for the Andrew Maier field. Randy also requested that 2 pairs of shin guards be purchased. In an attempt to temper on-going problems in the American League, Clark Frederick announced that the board members have decided to eliminate the championship tournament and not recognize a champion in that division. This is an attempt to reduce the competitiveness of the league and return it to an “Instructional” status, hopefully eliminating the on-going problems. After much discussion among the board members and the Association, it was decided that, barring future problems, a championship tournament will be held and a champion will be recognized. Uniforms & Equipment - The uniforms have been ordered, Steve Skehan offered to pick them up in West Lawn when they are ready. Motion to adjourn was made by Steve Skehan and seconded by Mark Storms.________________________________________________________________