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Christ within - the Hope of Glory'

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Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
The Aquarian Mysteries of Jesus Christ Part I, Part II, Part III

First things first:

Open-door-to-unity. The change given to each man to amend for past mistakes and return to his divine source. Man is made a little lower than the angels, yet crowned with more glory
The process whereby a soul, having earned the opportunity to permanently unite with his God source goes to heaven
Reincarnation , the missing link in modern Christianity, was believed in by the early Christians. Without understanding it the justice of God seems hidden from view.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
A world in Peril, man a sleeping spiritual being, God concerned for man. What keeps them apart is ignorance causing wrong action in turn worsening ignorance in a tragic chain reaction... And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. The Kingdom of God is within...Jesus was crowned a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek (who was not even a Jew)...Made a little lower than the angels yet crowned with more Glory. Though the hearts of many glimpse parts of the truth few can put the whole puzzle together.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
The Ascended Masters of the Great White(aura, not skin) Brotherhood are our elder sisters and brothers who have earned eternal life. They are the saints of the West and the Adepts of the East, Revelation's numberless number of saints robed in white. The come from all peoples and times and places. Having passed the tests of earth's schoolroom they are best qualified to be our instructors, and are keen to do so. Does that mean they can replace Jesus? No, each child of God has a specific unique mission. Jesus' mission is to be the Son of God incarnate so that through him all might reconnect to the Christ within themselves. Other Masters have different missions. e.g. Mother Mary is a representative of the Mother aspect of God. Kuan Yin embodies Mercy. El Morya the Will of God. [Afra] the Spirit of Brotherhood for his people. Lanello embodies the magnanimity of our Father's heart and [left] a [clear trail]. Many have met these Masters.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
All that glitters is not Gold and some so-called religious movements are psychic. Jesus said by their works shall ye know them, warning of impostors. He also says there are no strange practices necessary [on the spiritual path], but much to learn (the New Testament mentions the vastness of Jesus' knowledge) On the path of [Inner communion] with his Creator. As the book of Hebrews starts off saying, God has sent his Prophets to all peoples at different times. Why should he stop now? A line of messengers up to the current day Elizabeth Clare Prophet] have consistently brought such clear truth that those attuned to truth in their hearts could always recognize them. They always say that their mission is to put seekers in contact with God, His Angels and his [Ascended Hosts]. they seek no personality cult but assistants in bringing mankind to clearer understanding of God and the Cosmic melodrama of life. This century has brought many new opportunities but the underlying basics of the Teachings once grasped can clearly be seen to be the same as those in all great religions. Indeed these modern day messengers and saints help us understand the ancient sacred scriptures with a far greater clarity.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
The kingdom of God in Heaven is extremely well organized and alive. They dance better than us too, says Saint Germain. The opportunity is now here that the Kingdom of God on earth, so long awaited, can now finally return. But first there are great challenges facing us as individuals where change starts, [nations] and a planet. Why all of this at once? We are finishing a long cycle of opportunity and starting a new one. God is indeed exceedingly patient but there is a time for everything and this is the last change to correct our mistakes of this cycle of 25800 years and start the new cycle in a way that can bring Peace to the hearts of men. What ye sow shall ye reap and the viciousness of man in this century, during the middle ages, in the military empires and especially during the fall of Atlantis was so great that God used Noah as a means whereby he could wipe out decadent Atlantean society completely and start afresh.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
Man has a divine side and a self-created anti-divine side. In between is his soul which has the potential to become one with God or to misuse God's energy and drift away further. The divine side is God's Image in which he is made, his angel always beholding the face of God, his Christ Self whereby he can become one with the I AM Presence and the threefold flame in his heart, the Presence of the Holy Spirit which is the kingdom of God within. His physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies are the vehicles where by the souls experiences time and space and has freedom to choose to become more of God's Plan or move further from God. Every time energy is misused the karma is accrued and every jot and title has to be corrected one day. The wheels of divine justice are slow but exceedingly accurate and currently return to mankind such a horrendous build up of karma over a long period that we see people not coping all around us and nations a-flounder. Jesus and the Prophets knew this would happen one day and kept on warning mankind to change their ways. At the end of this cycle each one has to carry his own karmic burden and the Master Jesus who carried many's iniquities for long has set an example for long enough. Many are enraged by having to take responsibility for themselves and try to find easy ways to dump it all on Jesus, denying the personal spiritual Path that Jesus came to teach us.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
[All is not lost], with God there is always a way. Many saints came forward with ways to help mankind. [El Morya] started the theosophical society and other movements, currently focused in the Summit Lighthouse. [Saint Germain] put his own attainment on the line to give mankind the [Violet Flame] once again - God's eraser and philosopher's stone. Mary and Kuan Yin stands forth to nurture mankind etc. The [dispensations] are many but few know of them, why ? For the same reason mainstream religions are not what they should be: [Spiritual wickedness] in high places and the average man's susceptibility to their manipulation. Jesus said the good people of this generation have to become as smart as the bad. When a third part of heaven was cast out after the rebellion woe came to earth, whose inhabitants had [allowed themselves to be lured] into the sugarcoated lies of the fallen angels. The time of these fallen angels' opportunity to change their ways is up and this period shows their desperate anarchy. Armageddon is here in full force and mankind does not have an idea why everything goes so wrong when there is such an opportunity for mankind to go forward.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
As an individual the amount of difference you can make to all of this is limited only by you. Jesus said those who came after him will do greater works than he. Not many have managed to do this, but you may like others because you have come across a to the true Teachings of God, which empowers anyone who will steadfastly apply it to overcome his own karmic challenges and be an outpost of heaven in the affairs of men. How ? By the Science of the Spoken Word. ...Through the Word was all things made...Command ye me, saith the Lord... Jesus spoke and said...Mainstream religion today still has many verbal forms of worship, some very powerful such as the Lord's prayer and Rosary, Indian Bahamans or Chinese mantras but these are seldom understood and systematically used. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord !!! Many charismatic churches rush in where angels fear to tread and not all who say Lord, Lord actually attune to him or do Him service.
Christ within - the Hope of Glory'
The teachings of God have been set forth clearly, it requires searching, diligent study, an openness to change and especially a constant striving. Saint Germain says that once you attained immortality you will realize the trek upward was worth the inconvenience. But try it not alone because many have failed, rather use God's guides the [World Teachers] , [chohans], [Archangels] and hosts of Ascended Masters as they have carved a way and know it well. Read the books, you may find them in your [library] The Masters' students (called Chelas) span the world- find the nearest Teaching Center or Study Group(South Africa), and go to a [conference]. Let us be up and doing for we have yet other worlds to conquer but first we must conquer this one and the greatest challenge is ourselves.

A quote by Archangel Gabriel

Christ within - the Hope of Glory'

Some astounding links

Go to "The Ascended Master Network"

Learn about some modern day saints, courtesy of ARC

Elizabeth Clare Prophet Visit the photographer More on South Africa Saint Therese of Lisieux

A great collection of the Ascended Masters' teachings with beautiful graphics

Go to "The Ascension Resource Center"

Music, a powerful force...

Learn about the Ascended Masters' Diet

Heard about the Gnostic Scriptures ?

Learn about the abundant life

Visit a GeoCities neighbor: "Living In The Ascended Master's Way"
Visit another GeoCities neighbor: Namaste, find out about Yoga and Hinduism

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Words to Remember----- ---Some more...----- Enter a world of spiritual art, such as : Visit the WWW Nicholas Roerich museum Call upon the Violet Flame...Feeling lonely?...dislike yourself?

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