From the Ascended Masters' dictations through the Summit Lighthouse
Contributed by James Piek

Sanat Kumara said if we call to him every hour on the hour he will take dominion over any condition you want changed on this planet. (Set your watch if you have an alarm watch and just stop and make a quick call on anything you want changed.)

You can word it as follows: In the name I am that I am, Sanat Kumara, in the name of Brahman (this is the key to access angels to take dominion over situations) I call for peace in our land. I call for the removal of all hate and hate creations in South Africa. I call for forgiving and tolerant hearts in each and every lightbearer in South Africa.

You can ask for the purifying seraphim that serves before the throne of God (or Alpha and Omega) to walk through your four lower bodies daily to purify you. They take your density or darkness with them to the throne where it is cleared and they leave their residue of cosmic purity and light in our bodies.

Call on the elementals to help you with all sorts of things. They can help you run your car, grow the plants in your garden, look after your domestic animals, protect your house etc. Every time before you decrees, especially before you do your violet flame decrees, call them from outside to come and join you. Start slowly so that they can learn how to decree from you. You can also call to St Germain to extend a portion of the violet flame you invoke, to them.

You have a body elemental that looks after the general wellbeing of your body. Talk to it and tell it what you want it to do for you. There is also a decree you can do for your body elemental, no. 50.02.

Kuan Yin says every time you call my name God makes me exactly one with you. She is the Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. She says she is the cure for the out of alignment state of your being. If you are in alignment your thousand lotus petal on your crown chakra can start opening. She says the distance between you and enlightenment is the distance between your base and your crown chakra. You must try and raise your mother energy, Omega, from the base of the spine to the Alpha or father energy in the crown chakra. They are always longing for each other.

Call for the Violet Flame to heal all the souls that have been aborted. Sometimes it is so traumatic for that soul that it takes lifetimes to heal. Call for the end of abortion because it is an attack on the lightbearers.

If we want light on these physical octaves to manifest here, we must make the call. Spiritual light is not native to this octaves. The call compels the answer.

Every morning upon rising, make this call: In the name of my mighty I am presence and Holy Christ self, balance the three fold flame in me and align my four lower bodies.

We can call on our Holy Christ Selves and ask it to continue to decree for 24 hours. Do this every morning.

Take decree 30.08 and live with it. Make it a daily mantra and say it over and over the whole day long. Not my will, not my will but thine be done is a mantra that are atoned(dis die verkeerde woord want dit beteken boete doen) in all the retreats in the world. Decree 7.21 also helps with surrender. Call to El Morya to show you how to surrender to the will of God overnight.

We have many layers in our aura and most of us have tears in our auras that's why we are so vulnerable. We can ask the healing angels of Mother Mary and Archangel Rapheal to sew up the tears in our auric garment. In order for them to be able to do this we can give healing decrees. (In the green section of the book.) We can do a novena to the Great Divine Director and ask that divine plan be made known to us. We can also call onto him to help us fulfil our divine plan.

The violet flame is the cosmic eraser.

You can't stop a bird from landing on your head, but you don't have to let him make a nest there.

Every call we make we must submit to the will of God.

The 23rd of every month spells the return of a new cycle of karma. This is when we should step up our Violet Flame decrees. The April 23rd syndrome: People became angry with God because they had to start carrying their own karma. The path of Christhood is a do it yourself path. This means bearing your own burden, karmically, emotionally, financially etc.

Jesus said of more of us are prepared to carry our own burdens because we are made strong by the violet flame, it enables Him to carry more for the weaker chelas on the path.

Lord Maitreya gave a dispensation where every chela that decrees decree on behalf of 10 thousand times 10 thousand. We carry the flame for them. An example is given of Igor the Great that prayed unceasingly during the Russian revolution and by doing this he saved thousands upon thousands of lives.

Another dispensation that goes with the previous one is the squaring of any decree that is said three times. The amount of people that are saying the decree are also squared and it benefits each and every one that is participating in the decree session.

Before falling asleep at night you can make the call to the Great Divine Director and Archangel Michael to take you to the Violet Planet of Omri Tas. The Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek is here and there are many University where you can study.

Omri Tas says the know what is happening on the earth and in times of emergency, they decree with us.

You can make a call for Jesus to descent onto you life by saying. In the name of my mighty I Am presence and Holy Christ Self I call for Christ to descent into my life this day. What I call forth for myself I also call forth for every lightbearer in the world. I accept it done according to God's will right now and always. Amen.

Jesus said if 10 thousand people on earth actively decrees we can reverse the tide of the downward spiral. This is what happened on the Violet Planet of Omri Tas where only 5000 enlightened souls saved the planet. He said the Masters are looking for pilars on which to build the new city.

Call to God for perfection to descend. You must seize it and become it.

By doing the Rosary of Mother Mary you are drawing down the Omega energies into your force field.

Call that the 144 thousand that accompanied Sanat Kumara to the earth to raise us up, that are now caught up in their own densities, that it be made possible for them to recognise the truth when they come across it. Ask for those people to be brought in contact with you that you can lead them back to decrees and ultimately their source.

Every morning, call for the electronic presence of any master over you. If you think you need more faith, call for the presence of Archangel Michael over you.

We can also call for the masters to counter fear within our lives. Sometimes it is fear that will not enable us to precipitate abundant supply or anything else we think we want in our lives. You can say: In the name of my Mighty I Am Presence and Holy Christ Self I am taking my life and energy out of every image of debt, lack, fear, unfulfillment and obligation.

Call to Astrea to encirle your pets. Let them sit with you when you do your violet flame decrees. Demand that the animals' conciousness be raised.

Enties feed on graveyards. Whenever you drive past one, call to mighty Astrea to encircle it.

Do the Great sun disk decree (70.02) and call for your own, your shrine and your houses' forcefield to be demagnitized. Entities can lower ones vitality so you must try and stay clean from them by using a physical or visualised sword and making the calls. Dispensations:

Kuthumi said if we do his I am light decree 7.10A 33 times for 9 days or 9 times for 33 days, he will resolve something in our psychology that we are prepared to put into the flame. Kuthumi is the master psychologist and he cal help us with the dissolving of problems we have in that area.

Krishna can also help with this. He said to visualise him (Krishna) superimposed over you at the age when something traumatic happened to you that you want resolved. He said he has a perfect emotional body at any age and he offers this to us for our own healing. We can do the healing visualisation while listening to his bhajan tape.

We can decree as follows: I am the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom in my four lower bodies.

AUM comes from the seat of the soul chakra. AUM sends the soul directly to the heart of God. If you decree very fast it becomes a perpetual AUM.

Hercules and Amazonia gave a dispensation that they will help us carry our karma if it is impossible for us to bear alone. Just ask for this every morning and they will help.

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