Buzz, Buzz, Buzz
Sung to: Up on the Housetop
Hear the bee go buzz, buzz, buzz,
She flies around, that's what she does.
She has four wings and she's yellow and black,
When she's around, don't turn your back.
Bumblebee, buzzing me,
Bumblebee, buzzing me,
She has some wings and she's yellow and black,
When she's around, don't turn your back.
Oh, The Ants Are Busy
Sung to: She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain
Oh, the ants are busy, busy as can be.
Oh, the ants are busy, busy as can be.
See them dig and dig and dig,
Lots of tunnels, oh, so big.
Oh, the ants are busy, busy as can be.
Flutter, Flutter, Butterfly
Sung to: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Flutter, flutter, butterfly,
Floating in the summer sky.
Floating by for all to see,
Floating by so merrily,
Flutter, flutter butterfly,
Floating in the summer sky.
Crickets Chirping
Sung to: Frere Jacques
Crickets chirping, crickets chirping,
Chirp, chirp, chirp,
Chirp, chirp, chirp,
Chirping in the tree tops,
Chirping that never stops.
Chirp, chirp, chirp,
Chirp, chirp, chirp,
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© copyright 1992 by Judy Hall, Kristine Wagoner, Bonnie Woodward Warren Publishing House Inc.