World of Warcraft
last changed 10 March 2007

World of Warcraft

Welcome to my World of Warcraft stuff. If this is the first time you've seen my site, chances are good that we met in WoW somewhere.


One of the things I like about WoW is that it's so big. There's a lot of material to be explored; thousands of locations, characters, and quests. This means, for me at least, a lot of notes to take. I learn best by writing stuff down, which can be daunting when I have an entire world to explore.

Given that I have this page to play with, and I do enjoy playing, it's inevitable that some of these notes will find their way here. Other reference sites already exist and are in many cases adequate, but there are times when I will arrange things differently for my own use. It's primarily these arrangements that I plan to share here.


Most of the content I post here will take the form of various projects. I've also taken several screen shots.


The Official WoW Website
World of Warcraft — the official website.
Unofficial WoW Websites
For more information than you'll ever need, consult these sites in any order: allakhazam, goblin workshop, thottbot, wowhead, and wowwiki.
Guild Home Pages
Mixed Knuts — some of my friends on the Lothar server.


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or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment
in the United States and/or other countries.
These terms and all related materials, logos, and images are
copyright © Blizzard Entertainment.
This site is in no way associated with or endorsed by
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