Please Sign My Guestbook

03/10/00 18:00:44
Name: Victoria Neville My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: About your family
What you liked best:: What you said

I'm just want to tell Victoria that your the only one in the middle of America and i'm the only Victoria Neville in the middle of U.K.

03/02/00 15:04:06
Name: Andrew My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Page:: here What you liked best:: nothing


11/23/99 16:14:32
Name: Richard Young My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you liked best:: about your life

Would like for you to email me and I can help you get through this tough time!!! Richard

11/18/99 05:34:50
Name: jim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: Yahoo chat
What you liked best:: nice layout


11/03/99 22:21:45
Name: Christi Oliver
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hello just wanted Hi and see how you are doing, we havent talked for a long time. Email me sometime.

09/30/99 15:06:30
Name: Shorey
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just wanted to let you know I was here .... I like your website ..... I think you should update it tho'! LOL

09/28/99 09:59:33
Name: Shawn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: Jeremys
What you liked best:: your story

I signed in under both names I use online bubbabear60 and halloweengoblin----I know of the loss one feels when a child leaves this world...Im glad you were able to hold yours for a few precious moments...mine, was aborted and I knew not of it till a few w eks after the deed, I left the lady I was living with for she did the worst harm I could ever feel in life--to this day that would have been my only child, I spoke with my parents that since Im not a birth father to a child that I can be a father to one w o has none I have a stepdaughter I care greatly about but as she grows older she sees her dad only time will tell if she will see me as father...may my strenght add to yours in those moments of saddness and give you comfort knowing another cares for you a d yours until another time...take care Shawn

09/28/99 09:33:56
Name: shawn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: Tiffany's
What you liked best:: music

I know not the pain that has enterred your life--but the music was enchanting--would like to know how to obtain a copy of it--though our religious beliefs differ--I respect yours--the music brought tears to my eyes and reminded me of my grandmother, a rel gious lady, and I had to see if I could obtain this music that is dedicated to your loved one to play at my grandma's grave--oh how I miss her heart goes out to you and yours ...yes we all are a kindred spirit and the effects of one is felt by all and the tears I shed now is for the loses felt by all ....thank you for sharing ..until we chat or I hear from you take care...Shawn aka halloweengoblin

09/08/99 22:40:41
Name: bonnie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey lady this was very cool,,,nice chatting with you....really cool to get to see who you are chatting with.....thanks semi

07/28/99 07:11:29
Name: sweethitch_hiker & Redfeather_1
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Lady LONG TIME NO CHAT !!!! We were in looking at profile's and looked at yours .. Good JOB >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hugs .... Sweet and Red ps ..oh BTW we have a place in KY didn't know if you knew that :):)

07/17/99 22:25:45
Name: soso
My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Page:: 1st page


07/05/99 22:53:53
Name: kevin adams My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: commentary
What you liked best:: all excellent


06/28/99 17:08:18
Name: hankjr My URL: Visit Me
Your Favorite Page:: all What you liked best:: your compassion to family


06/28/99 16:58:22
My URL: Visit Me


06/13/99 01:36:44
Name: MrBuckeye25
My URL: Visit Me


06/12/99 23:54:07
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: all
What you liked best:: all


06/12/99 14:06:34
My URL: Visit Me


06/12/99 14:04:28
My URL: Visit Me


06/02/99 22:03:51
Name: snowflake100-99
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


05/09/99 23:08:02
Name: Ron H. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: I like it all
What you liked best:: Love the pic's u have on page.

Keep up the good work.

04/21/99 23:42:09
Name: Les (Popman35) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you liked best:: The whole thing.

I really had to see your web page with the picture I saw in the profile. :) I really liked that. :)

04/18/99 20:54:35
Name: Steve
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

thought id atleast leave my email. i also liked your pic. aka steve_99_69

04/16/99 05:01:54
Name: QM2(SW) Anthony Brown USN
My URL: Visit Me

Really liked your site. Good to see GULF sites on the web. Please keep the information flowing.

04/12/99 18:49:53
Name: Carol Lenz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: I have a lot of them and this one is one of them!
What you liked best:: How you keep Jeremy alive in your hearts!

Hi. I am so sorry for your loss of your son Jeremy. I am glad that you keep him alive in your hearts! My husband is a Desert Storm vet also. My daughter was born when he was overseas. She is a healthy 8 year old. I have two other sons, Nicholas and Jeremy. What I am commenting about is your trouble with the Red Cross. We had a girl in my husbands unit that lost her Grandmother, Mother, and her 2 year old son ina car accident while she was in Saudi. We contacted the local Red Cross. They told us that it ould take up to 2 weeks to find her! We then went to Green Bay, WI and they found her in a few hours.

03/26/99 12:32:53
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


02/08/99 00:11:26
Name: DeeDee883
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice pics guys thanks for the chat

02/06/99 22:07:56
Name: steve
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Liked the page and pics. Thanks LadyWolf for the chat

02/01/99 01:46:06
Name: terryaclagett
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

you have a beutiful family and a very touching homepage. good luck and take care :)

02/01/99 00:23:52
Name: marlene pethtel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you liked best:: work

hope to meet you some day in person marlene

01/30/99 01:40:25
Name: redfeather_1
My URL: Visit Me

cool page christine you go girl

01/19/99 23:36:11
Name: jon teets My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: yours
What you liked best:: the pic of the women with the wolf

that is a cool pick i am getting a tatoo of a wolf on my back

01/18/99 17:45:41
Name: StrawberryWine18_f
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Your homepage is very nice. Congradulations on buying a house. And my sincere sympathy goes out for you in the loss of your son.

12/11/98 07:18:48
Name: Krisey My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: All of it
What you liked best:: Information on the Gulf

Thank you for your information on the Gulf War. My hubby is having problems due to it. He was in the army. If you have any free time, please email me and let me know how your family is doing. Thanks!

10/21/98 13:42:29
Name: rob My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you liked best:: beening a fireman

i was in the gulf war it was sad

10/19/98 21:11:08
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: ALL OF IT
What you liked best:: THE POEM OF YOUR SON

I visited the site to catch up on an old friend. Hope things are well.

10/03/98 23:16:35
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/08/98 22:33:31
Name: mr-michael_c
My URL: Visit Me


07/31/98 02:51:02
Name: Christi Oliver
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Page me on icq my number is 16431682

07/23/98 12:50:31
Name: gsp My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you liked best:: the whole thing

i like you re whole page it was nice

07/09/98 13:27:25
Name: Amber My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: I like them all!
What you liked best:: I like the four legged friends.

If you ever read this, would it be okay if I added a link to your page on my soon to be homepage??? I'm sorry, I couldn't find your e-mail any where!

06/27/98 23:15:27
Name: Carol Stutts
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I would like to send you something EMAIL. Please EMAIL me your EMAIL address, it is regarding GWS. I came across your page while visiting MOM today. Carol P.S. My husband is ill as a result of chemical exposure.

06/24/98 02:28:22
Name: My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: not yours hehehehe
What you liked best:: don't know yet, haven't looked yet

Keep up the good work ! hehehehe most of all keep on trying :) bill loves you too :)))))

06/11/98 13:04:42
Name: Maggie
My Email: Email Me
Your Favorite Page:: don't have one but i like yours a lot

i love how you put quotes next to the pictures. your dogs are so cute. i like all of the pictures but espesially the last one. it is so cute. your site is awesome-a 5.

05/15/98 15:04:12
Name: connie travis
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Chris i loved the site... the part about jeremy made me remember the days.. and nights so well. and all the tears came back... i'm gald you included him in your site.

04/19/98 13:40:43
Name: April (Shigatsuhana) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: Haze's story
What you liked best:: It made me cry!

I'm still wiping the tears after reading the story of Haze! He sounds like a wonderful dog! Please give him a big hug & kiss from me!

04/19/98 13:33:43
Name: April (Shigatsuhana) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: Haze's story
What you liked best:: It made me cry!

I'm still wiping the tears after reading the story of Haze! He sounds like a wonderful dog! Please give him a big hug & kiss from me!

04/02/98 22:26:16
Name: Don My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you liked best:: your ability to share

I enjoyed all that i saw!! Hope all goes well with this little active family. :)

03/31/98 14:27:06
Name: Lamont Johnson My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What you liked best:: I liked the pics

I enjoyed the web page. It was nice to see so many different pics. Never been to Germany.

03/29/98 04:45:08
Name: Michael & Kathie
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

We just want to say that we to enjoyed the info on the german sherperds. As we have a sherperd and love her very much.

03/02/98 00:37:50
Name: Roxanne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: GSD
What you liked best:: the info

Very nice site with lots of dedication. That's what ALL animals need!!! Please drop in for a visit.

02/25/98 16:59:20
Name: Amethyst
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday

02/16/98 03:12:15
Name: bidget
My URL: Visit Me
What you liked best:: just dogs

beautiful dog,u must b proud!

02/16/98 03:10:42
My URL: Visit Me

beautiful dog,u must b proud!

01/22/98 17:46:42
Name: dawne/blackhawk
My URL: Visit Me
What you liked best:: the pictures of the pups

us lab lovers have to stick together...the best of luck with the from germany

01/20/98 14:13:23
Name: Dianne Beutler My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: Liked all of them.
What you liked best:: The way everything is put together.

Hi, I am Dee from acme pet chat. I really enjoyed looking at your home page. A nice job very well done. I'm the one that also lives in Ohio. Thanks for letting me see your homepages. Dianne

01/19/98 18:25:36
Name: Kristina (aka Tonga) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: all of it
What you liked best:: all of it

Hi Christine, your site is looking really super! And I don't mind the links at all...*G* Hope to chat with you soon...:-)

01/19/98 03:50:25
Name: smiles ( from Acme Pet Chat) My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: All of them
What you liked best:: Everything

I really liked it!

01/18/98 22:51:12
My URL: Visit Me


01/18/98 02:36:44
Name: Christine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Your Favorite Page:: Haze
What you liked best:: The Dogs


01/18/98 01:53:59
Name: Dog Lady
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hey girl its working {S}

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