Ok, here is the deal.  I am no scholar, just a person with a 
healthy curiosity.  Also, I am very opinionated!  Please indulge me in my 
thoughts for a moment or two.
     On November 10,1975 the Edmund Fitzgerald sank on Lake Superior.  This 
event has become one of the most haunting, and appealing, mysteries in our 
modern history.
     Why did the ship sink?   Was there a leaking hatch or two?  Did she 
split in half or did she capsize?  My opinion?  Who knows and who cares, 
really, besides the families of the men.  The ones with the right to care.  
The bottom line is that men lost their lives and their families lost their 
sons, husbands, and fathers.
     Then, to make matters worse, we live in a society of ghouls.  Ones that 
want to go in and disturb the final resting place of good people.  It is like 
a moth to a flame.  There is no treasure here, only a few personal trinkets, 
why the fasination!!  There is a memorial to go visit that I am sure you can
get all the information about the wreck from!!
     OK! Now that I have that off my chest, let us remember that what we are 
basically dealing with is a fresh water sea in an area that has very strong 
weather patterns.  Travel is dangerous.  These men knew this and earned their
living from no false pretenses.  They knew the dangers and did their job!
Now that takes a brave individual!!!  Heck, it takes a brave family to go 
along with the individuals choice, too.
     In , I believe, 1995, a diving team went down and removed the original
bell from the ship and replaced it with a new one.  A memorial was built with
the bell for these men.  My hope is that this world we live in will respect
the work that was done, and the wishes of the families of these men, and
visit the memorial, not the ship.  Leave the site in peace is the best
way to honor these men!!

   PLEASE  remember this page is still under construction and this
is only the opinion of the redheaded author who gets a little carried away
at times.  All comments are welcomed!!!!

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