The "onMouseOut" and "return false" are not supported in either Netscape 2.0 or Microsoft IE 3.0. Therefore the automatic background color change results (and the save on click) in the tables below works best with Netscape 3.0 and above or with Microsoft IE 4.0.
aqua | gray | navy | silver |
black | green | olive | teal |
blue | lime | purple | white |
fuschia | maroon | red | yellow |
This second table contains additional colors based on the UNIX "X11" standards. Different browsers may implement the color definitions slightly differently.
aliceblue (f0f8ff) | antiquewhite (faebd7) | aqua (00ffff) | aquamarine (7fffd4) |
azure (f0ffff) | beige (f5f5dc) | bisque (ffe4c4) | black (000000) |
blanchedalmond (ffebcd) | blue (0000ff) | blueviolet (8a2be2) | brown (a52a2a) |
burlywood (deb887) | cadetblue (5f9ea0) | chartreuse (7fff00) | cholocaate (d2691e) |
coral (ff7f50) | cornflowerblue (6495ed) | cornsilk (fff8dc) | crimson (dc143c) |
cyan (00ffff) | darkblue (00008b) | darkcyan (008b8b) | darkgoldenrod (b8860b) |
darkgray (a9a9a9) | darkgreen (006400) | darkkhaki (bdb76b) | darkmagenta (8b008b) |
darkolivegreen (556b2f) | darkorange (ff8c00) | darkorchid (9932cc) | darkred (8b0000) |
darksalmon (e9967a) | darkseagreen (8fbc8f) | darkslateblue (483d8b) | darkslategray (2f4f4f) |
darkturquoise (00ced1) | darkviolet (9400d3) | deeppink (ff1493) | deepskyblue (00bfff) |
dimgray (696969) | dodgerblue (1e90ff) | firebrick (b22222) | floralwhite (fffaf0) |
forestgreen (228b22) | fuchsia (ff00ff) | gainsboro (dcdcdc) | ghostwhite (f8f8ff) |
gold (ffd700) | goldenrod (daa520) | gray (808080) | green (008000) |
greenyellow (adff2f) | honeydew (f0fff0) | hotpink (ff69b4) | indianred (cd5c5c) |
indigo (4b0082) | ivory (fffff0) | khaki (f0e68c) | lavender (e6e6fa) |
lavenderblush (fff0f5) | lawngreen (7cfc00) | lemonchiffon (fffacd) | lightblue (add8e6) |
lightcoral (f08080) | lightcyan (e0ffff) | lightgoldenrodyellow (fafad2) | lightgreen (90ee90) |
lightgrey (d3d3d3) | lightpink (ffb6c1) | lightsalmon (ffa07a) | lightseagreen (20b2aa) |
lightskyblue (87cefa) | lightslategray (778899) | lightsteelblue (b0c4de) | lightyellow (ffffe0) |
lime (00ff00) | limegreen (32cd32) | linen (faf0e6) | magenta (ff00ff) |
maroon (800000) | mediumaquamarine (66cdaa) | mediumblue (0000cd) | mediumorchid (ba55d3) |
mediumpurple (9370db) | mediumseagreen (3cb371) | mediumslateblue (7b68ee) | mediumspringgreen (00fa9a) |
mediumturquoise (48d1cc) | mediumvioletred (c71585) | midnightblue (191970) | mintcream (f5fffa) |
mistyrose (ffe4e1) | moccasin (ffe4b5) | navajowhite (ffdead) | navy (000080) |
oldlace (fdf5e6) | olive (808000) | olivedrab (6b8e23) | orange (ffa500) |
orangered (ff4500) | orchid (da70d6) | palegoldenrod (eee8aa) | palegreen (98fb98) |
paleturquoise (afeeee) | palevioletred (db7093) | papayawhip (ffefd5) | peachpuff (ffdab9) |
peru (cd853f) | pink (ffc0cb) | plum (dda0dd) | powderblue (b0e0e6) |
purple (800080) | red (ff0000) | rosybrown (bc8f8f) | royalblue (4169e1) |
saddlebrown (8b4513) | salmon (fa8072) | sandybrown (f4a460) | seagreen (2e8b57) |
seashell (fff5ee) | sienna (a0522d) | silver (c0c0c0) | skyblue (87ceeb) |
slateblue (6a5acd) | slategray (708090) | snow (fffafa) | springgreen (00ff7f) |
steelblue (4682b4) | tan (d2b48c) | teal (008080) | thistle (d8bfd8) |
tomato (ff6347) | turquoise (40e0d0) | violet (ee82ee) | wheat (f5deb3) |
white (ffffff) | whitesmoke (f5f5f5) | yellow (ffff00) | yellowgreen (9acd32) |
There are many more colors (255 x 255 x 255 altogether), but frankly, I got tired of typing!