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N3MGI's Home Page


My website features some of my vocations and hobbies.

Digital Photography is one ov my great interests. I hope that you enjoy some of my favorite photographs both from myself and other family members.

In this site

I have collected and revised some of my favorite web pages from the many years I have been on the web. As I progress with my new look and format I will be adding many new pages and expanding on some of the topics that I have been neglecting including local community history and ham radio,

Let me know what you think of the new look and style and if you have any questions or have some suggestions as to new input.

Slow Scan Television Slowscan television is a fascinating aspect of amateur radio. My original page (still located on Geocities at www.geocities.com) has been heavily visited from guests worldwide and I have been greatly honored by this fact. As with any technology, sstv has changed and I am progressing with a new and updated site.

Local Architecture and History A long standing interest for myself having grown up in North Central Pennsylvania once the lumber capital of the world and with a rich American Native background. I will update this page soon with expanded history, links and new photographs.

Photography A long standing hobby of mine has entered a fascinating digital era. I hope you enjoy these outlooks on the world.

Shortwave and Scanner listening Keeping abreast of world and local news and events. Included are links of interest and frequency lists and bandplans.

Ham Radio I have been an amateur radio operator for about 10 years and especially enjoy the digital modes. Included here are overviews of various aspects of the hobby and how to get started yourself.

APRS(Automatic Position Reporting System) Using amateur packet radio and a gps unit others can track your position worldwide through the internet. Check out this fun page for maps and details.

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