Welcome to Wienerville

Where dachshunds will walk all over your heart

Please Reload for most current update 11/23/97.

You have entered the city limits of Wienerville, where dachshunds rule and cats, rabbits and anything that moves beware. Current population includes 3 fun loving dachshunds. They are Mindy,Kody, and Ginger.

We had a great time at the beach this summer. We like to go when the tide is low, so that everyone can have a good time swimming, running in the surf and occationally make new friends.

Other links that we enjoy...

The Dachshund Club of America

10 Reasons You Should Own a Dachshund

Dachshund Circus

Dox Club

Dachshunds on the World Wide web

1997 Florida Dachshund Picnic

More Florida Dachshund Picnic pictures


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