Below are the listings of our board and committees and a
description of the duties they are to perform. Only club members
who are in good standing are allowed to hold an office or chair a
committee. Helping out on a committee is a great way for new
members to get to know other members.
Will preside at all meetings and executive board meetings. Will
preside over all members of all committees, except the nominating
committee. Will appoint all committee chairheads. Will be the
custodian of all properties, except those that belong to the
committee heads. Will appoint a nominating chairhead to select 2
additional members to form a committee of 3. Prepare small report
to be handed into the newsletter editor of what you intend for
the club to do.
Will assist the president. In her absence will preside over the
meetings. Take attendance and keep adequate records. Will consult
with membership committee and treasurer that the club lists are
updated and all membership dues are paid. Will establish whether
a member is in good standing (paid membership for the current
year & has attended at least 3 meetings from the last 6 prior
to election). Prepare small report to be handed into the
newsletter editor of what the club is doing.
Will take minutes at the meeting. Keep the minutes book in her
possession. Find a replacement if she will not be able to attend
a meeting. Prepare small report to be handed into the newsletter
editor of what the club is doing.
Handle the receiving and disbursement of funds for the club. Keep
record of the balances in the checking, savings and CD accounts.
Prepare small report to be handed into the newsletter editor on
the financial status of the club.
Handle all of the clubs correspondence. Ex.: mail out sympathy
cards, new births, thank you cards to speakers, etc. Prepare
small report to be handed into the newsletter editor on what
correspondence has been done.
Keep our library of books which deal with multiples and other
related topics. Secure additional books, pamphlets, videos or
brochures which maybe of interest to the club members. These
maybe loaned to members for short periods of time. Display the
library each week at club meetings. Keep track of all loaned out
materials. Prepare small report to be handed into the newsletter
editor on the addition of new material.
Check the papers for birth announcements. Send out a welcome
letter and an introductory package about our club to all new
mothers. Keep a record of all welcome letters sent out to
prospective members. Fill out an information sheet on each new
member. Introduce each new member and prospective member at the
meetings. Hand out club membership package to each new paid
member. Prepare small report to be handed into the newsletter
editor on new members and prospective members.
Prepare a monthly newsletter to inform members of all activities,
list new members, club announcements, information pertinent to
the club and other items that maybe of interest to the members.
Call all eligible members to procure a slate of officers and
committees for the following club year. Run the election at our
May club meeting. Prepare small report to be handed into the
newsletter editor about the qualifications of the members
Set up programs for each meeting. Line up speakers,
demonstrators, etc. which offer their services to the club free
of charge. Try to come up with new ideas which may interest club
members. Prepare small report to be handed into the newsletter
editor on the description of upcoming programs and how the
program was presented at the meetings.
Notify weekly and daily newspapers and area radio stations of
club news and meetings. The day, date, time and activity should
be included with each announcement. Arrange to have pictures
taken of all important functions and special events.
Select hostesses from the general membership to bring in
refreshments for each meeting. Set up, make coffee, tea or other
drinks. Make sure there is a supply of plates, cups, silverware
and napkins for each meeting. Clean up after each meeting. Notify
the newsletter editor of what refreshments are needed for the
meeting and who is to bring them in.
Arrange events and activities for club members and their
families. Will organize and run such events as the Halloween
party, Easter Egg Hunt, bus trips, Family Picnic, etc. Prepare
small report to be handed into the newsletter editor as to the
activities the club will be doing.
Receive all information from the State organization and report to
the club any information received. Act as liaison between our
club and State. Attend State meetings on a regular basis. Prepare
small report to be handed into the newsletter editor about the
activities of the state club.
& Means
Take complete charge of the fund raising projects for the club.
Distribute items, collect moneys and take care of any problems
which may arise. Do the 50/50 at each meeting. Prepare small
report to be handed into the newsletter editor about the club's
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