February 13th 2003


In the words of the popular song, 'Benjy and Odeya Were Married Today', yes, Odeya was inaugrated as Mrs Noble # 16

It was an amazing day from start to finish enhanced further by many DavNobs who had travelled from overseas to be with us, Auntie Edie came with Judy and David.
Joan, Steve, Paul and David arrived with Steffi not forgetting Ruth, Paul, Tom and Amy, and from Washington, Jonathan and Frances. Also Helen and Ian joined us from the UK.

The events started with a reception before the Chuppa at The Pine Club, high up in the Carmel Forest near Haifa, a small intimate setting with a wonderful log fire burning which was just right for this cold, windy, rainy day.

During this reception, the Rabbi called the immediate family together to sit round the table and go through the Ketubah details prior to the Chuppa.

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