A Place for Donette
When someone you love becomes a memory,
the memory becomes a treasure.
Donette Rae Jackson
2/12/71 - 8/8/96

A precious life destroyed by a drunk driver.

My Story Concerning Donette's Death.
My Story Of Donette's Life

View Graphic Pictures from the Crash

For me, no gavel hammers.
The scales were never weighed.
My crime was that of "victim"
MY LIFE, the price I paid.
And when my life was taken...
Why were MY "rights" not read?
And the statement "Overruled."
When they pronounced me DEAD!

No lawyer to call on me,
To take the witness stand
My fate was decided when--
Left in the offender’s hand.

Yet, NOW the courtroom’s crowded,
A lawyer pleads HER case...
And the glimmer of a tear,
Creeps down her ‘sober’ face.
OH, that I could take the stand...
They’d witness my LAST BREATH,
And they could see the TERROR,
I went through facing DEATH!

But they missed MY "Pleading" Cries.
The look upon MY face.
...The scales have not yet been,
‘Balanced' in this case!

If I could tell the jury
Exactly how it was,
The FEAR and PAIN I went through
Struck down without a cause.
Can the jury weigh it all..
..Now listening to her pleas?
The only emotion now..
Her hopes of going free.

The final verdict now is in!
The defendant... in tears.
If only I’D done as WELL!

-Author Unknown

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