Ireland, New York, Ohio, Indiana

One of my 3rd great grandfathers was Latham Moore. I am in contact with several other descendants who are researching this line. We have quite a bit of data on Latham's descendants, but we are particularly interested in tracing Latham back to Ireland.

The following is a biographical sketch that appeared in History of the Upper Maumee Valley (1889), pp. 380-381:

"Latham Moore, a substantial citizen of Springfield, is a native of Ireland, born April 5, 1825, son of William and Margaret (Mahafa) Moore. At the age of twenty-one years, he emigrated to America, and first settled in South Hampton, Long Island. Here he was engaged in oyster fishing, until 1866, when he came to Ohio and bought forty acres for $4,000. He paid down $1,000, and went into debt $3,000, which he paid in six years. In 1881, he sold out and removed to Indiana, buying eighty acres in Springfield township, where he now lives. In 1850, he married Ellen McGee, who was born in 1834. Of their eleven children, nine are now living: William, Matthew, James, Moses, David, John, Robert, Nanny J., and Margaret E."

According to old Moore reunion records, Latham had a brother named Moses Moore, who married Margaret J. Mehaffey. Both Moses and Latham and many of their descendants are buried in Allen Co., IN. If you need further information, please e-mail me.

David E. Moore
David E. Moore, ca. 1891

Latham's son David E. Moore was born in Southampton, NY on 9 Nov 1862 and died in Allen Co., IN on 22 Dec 1938. On 4 Jan 1891, David married Rose Bell Lake in Allen Co., IN. David, Rose, and two of their three children are buried in Scipio Cem., Allen Co., IN.
David E. Moore family
David and Rose Bell (Lake) Moore and family--Nannie Irene, George Oakley, Latham Edward

David and Rose were the parents of three children, Nannie Irene (b. 1891), George Oakley Moore (my great-grandfather, b. 1894), and Latham Edward Moore (b. 1898). George Oakley Moore (1894-1967) was born in Halls Corners, Allen Co., IN and died in Grabill, IN. He is buried in Scipio Cem., Allen Co., IN. In 1915, he married Nova Mae Eager in Allen Co., IN. They were the parents of three sons, all of whom are now deceased.

George O. and Harold Moore
George O. Moore and son Harold Moore, ca. 1917

Useful links:

MOORE-L mailing list info.

Selected Burials--Allen and DeKalb Cos., IN. Many MOORES listed, including David E. and Rose Bell (Lake) Moore.

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