John (1) Ayer was from England and living in Salisbury in Merrimac 1640, coming to Haverhill
1647, and died March 31, 1657. Hannah, his wife, is named with her children in the will of Captain
John Webb, alias Evered of Chelmsford, and it seems rather certain her maiden name was Evered or
Everett. She died Oct. 8, 1688. [From Essex Antiquarian, Vol., IV., October, 1900, and Pope’s
“Pioneers of Massachusetts” for Evered.]
9146. 1. Shepard, Ayer. E. A. T., March 4, 1907. [H]Annah (4) Ayer, born Dec. 7, 1683,
married John Shepard of Haverhill, Feb. 15, 1705, and died before 1732. His [should be “Her”] father,
Timothy (3) Ayer, born in Haverhill Oct. 2, 1659, married Ruth Johnson of Hampton, Nov. 24, 1682. He
died Aug. 14, 1689, and she married for her second husband Samuel Dow, May 5, 1691, and died July
25, 1751. He was son of Sergeant Robert (2) Ayer, born about 1625, died between 1713 and 1723,
being heard of in 1711 as aged eight-six. He was a constable in 1671, and was a farmer of Haverhill.
He married Elizabeth Palmer, Feb. 27, 1651. She died in Haverhill April 24, 1705, aged seventy-one.
Transcribed by Gloria ODOM