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  Jesus our friend

            Who is Jesus?



            Jesus, the Son of God,
                who was born in a stable at Bethlehem
                and died on a cross
                just so we might be saved.

           He is here in each one of us
            and he wants to give us
            his love and his guidance.

                Jesus is a special friend an only friend,
            he is with us all the time
            whether we acknowledge him or not.

            Why carry all our burdens by ourselves.
            The effort is not worth it,
                when we can hand them over and be free.

            Okay, I hear you saying,
            I can hand them over
            but they don't go away.

        No they don't
            but with the help of the one who saves
        they become bearable
            and you can see clearly the way to go.

            The solutions to trouble
            is often staring us in the face
            but we are so caught up in the problem
            that we can't see the wood for the trees.

            Going with Jesus gives a better view
            and an easier solution
            than we ever find on our own.

          How do I find Jesus? you ask.

            Look into your heart
            ask him to show you.

          He is there waiting for you.
            All you need to do is ask.

            Jesus wants us
                and he wants to help and guide us.
              He came on earth
                just so that people would believe.

                We have a God, a creator,
            and that God is a God of Love.
                And that is all he wants  to do LOVE.

      LOVE YOU,

                Life becomes so beautiful
                when you have Jesus.
                    Every day becomes a day of joy,
                a day worth living.
                It doesn't matter where you live
                there is beauty all around.
                It doesn't matter who you are
            it is for you.

                And remember always
                you are you,
                and you are unique.
                God chose you to be as you are,
                perfect to his plan
                and all God's plans are perfect.
                    This is what is so wonderful.

                   Would a creator waste his time
                    making something less than his best.
                    And God has produced each one of us.
                    Each individual from a 'once only' mold.
                  He does not 'clone' us.
                   He doesn't produce us
                  as two or three the same,
                we are not a batch number.
                We are each,one only,
                    and that is the way God has decreed it.

                    He has carved you on the palm of his hand.

              He is waiting for you.

               O Lord, the love we have for you
          is nothing compared
           to the love you have for us.
            Help us to hear,
             to see and to feel your love.
            Help and guide
           all those who are searching,
             searching for something
              to make sense in this our world,
            searching for someone
            on whom they can rely,
             who won't let them down.
            Let all those who find this page
             feel your love flowing through them.
             Bless all who enter here.

             Please always remember,
             it is not God who turns away from us
              but we who turn from him.

           He will always be there waiting!






                                                          Guestbook by GuestWorld


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