Material found in banners above not endorsed by author of this site!

 Wanna-be Champion


These are the organizations I support.

Member of

HTML Writers Guild


 Heartland Partners in Prayer

 Phenomenal Women Of The Web

"You have been accepted into a very prestigious group of women on the internet, and in turn been given the "Phenomenal Women On The Web" seal. This is a membership into a very exclusive group of Women. The smaller seal is usually displayed on all pages, and the larger seal is left for your awards/membership page. Please don't treat or think of this as just one of your awards to be stuck away on your awards page. It is NOT an award. It is a statement of who and what you are all about, and your stand on the WWW among the millions."

Thanks Nancy!

Received August 25, 1997

Petals of the Web

Petals of the Web is an organization that lists extraordinary web pages, designed and maintained soley by women.


Received October 29, 1997


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© 1997, 1998 Sheila