The Purr Pages

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kitty face

**The Genuine Petite Faux Weegie**

Bernie in front windowBernie on lookout
Bernie at 10 months & 11 months.

coon line

10/18/98 Bernie officially became an adult.... but he'll always be Baby Bernie:)
Even though he can be a stinker at times, he's my little Tabby Monster
& I love him!
When we got Bernie, he weighed 2 pounds even. He now weighs 12.4 pounds, still smaller than Samantha was!
He's so cute when he watches things move on the computer screen, and stares so intently! Spring '99 we had new next-door neighbors with 2 yappy dogs.... So Bernie's new past-time was sitting in our kitchen window and making them bark*BG* He also had a cohort.... Our other next-door neighbor's little grey kitten sat in the front yard to make them bark too.

March '99 Bernie helped us pack up and move into our(his) new home....
Bernie in paper
Bernie at 15 months.

Having read how changes in routine can stress-out kitties, I was worried how Bernie would react when all the preparations for moving started. His vet said he felt Bernie was a very confident cat and could handle moving well. And handle it well he did! Bernie took on many responsibilities.... Such as Box Inspector, Packing Consultant, and as in the photo above Packing Material Tester.

So cute!
Bernie on his new cat tree @ 16 months

Bernie button
More Photos @ WebShots

Other Purr Pages
Sammie & Blackie
tabby kit
Baby Bernie
tabby basket
Bernie's Pad
fluffy kitten
Little Lindsey

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