
Over 4,000,000 hits!


Please vote for my page before you do! Thanks & GOD Bless!
We'd had so many things going on, the home page kinda got the back burner. But when we saw the counter, we almost fell out! Praise God for this response. This tells us that there are people out there that are looking for something even if it's just a little encouragement!

Well, due to this fact, we felt almost obligated to bring the page back to first precedence. So, we've updated the page and will be at least once a week from now on.

We are aiming to press forth in every area! Here's how you can help!!


Guys, keep those names coming in! We were getting names at least once every two days, now we might get one a week. Think of your neighbors, your old classmates, acquaintances or business associates. Think of your children's teachers or people who are in the same clubs or organizations as you. It doesn't matter if you know them or not, send in the names of everyone that you know, and let's watch God move in our lives and communities!


Praying for the saints is just as important as praying for the Roll Call! We are a family in Christ. If one of us suffers, we will all suffer. When one of us is strengthened, the entire body is nourished. Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ with the same fervency, love and faith that you would pray for your natural family members. If you have a problem or know someone that does, send in your prayer request NOW! There is power in agreement, and you at least know that we'll be praying for you! Send us your prayer request and then when God answers, send us a praise report!


It is so important for us to receive your praise reports. We and all the others out here praying for you love to be reminded that prayer works, and that we have a Father up there that is listening. Praise reports can be very encouraging when your down, and you never know whose life you might touch by your testimony of God's power in your life, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you. So keep those praise reports rollin' in! The Bible says that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!

The LoVe Of Jesus Ring

The LoVe of Jesus Ring if for all of you guys who have a Christian home page. Get some exposure for your site!! Join today!!


Christian poets....We need you!! We are so glad to have Ron Baron, Christopher Herrmann, and Beverly Hopper and Virginia Patrick and all their uplifting poems. We also want yours!!! If you know a Christian poet, or if you are one yourself, please send your poetry to us, we would love to publish it! Christians who feel that they have a calling in this area or those who submit more than four poems over any period of time have the option of requesting a personal page on our site. Presently we are working on an attractive poetry award to give to one lucky poet per month. We'll keep you posted.
P.S. Even if you don't consider yourself a poet, we would love to put any poetry that you have ever written on our site. If you don't want your own page, we can always put you in the general poetry section.

Our Testimony

Ronnie & Brandy's personal testimony and Ronnie's resume

We appreciate and welcome any questions, comments, or feedback.
Thanks for visiting and God Bless Ya!


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Sword of the Spirit Ring site is owned by:Ronnie Mills

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This The LoVe Of Jesus Ring site is owned by Ronnie Mills
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Hits since June 1997