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Soaking Stamps

Stamps on envelopes can become part of your collection!

First, cut the envelopes that the stamps are on. Leave just a little paper around each stamp. BE CAREFUL TO NOT CUT THE STAMPS!

HINT: Do not use any stamps on red (or other dark) envelopes. (Your stamps might get colored by the paper!)

Put the stamps into some warm
water. Wait a little bit. Then
start sliding the stamps off the

Put the stamps into a pan of cool
water. Put the scraps of paper
into a pan (to throw away).

HINT: Don't worry if you wreck
some stamps. The self-stick
ones don't come off well.

Take the stamps out of the cool water. Put them face down on a pile on newspapers. Keep the stamps spread out. Let the stamps dry.

HINT: Do not use colored newspaper. (Some of the color might get on the stamps.)

After the stamps are dried, put them in a pile. Put something heavy on top of the stamps for one night. Then they will not curl.

Now you are ready to add the stamps to your collection!

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