Mystech Associates, Inc.

Senior System Administrator

November 1993 - October 1997

Responsibilities included the day-to-day operations of three integrated networks containing SUN SPARCstation’s (Solaris 2.5.1), DEC Alphas (DEC Unix 3.2g, 4.0b), Apple Macintoshes (MacOS 7.5.5), and Intel PC’s (Windows 3.X, Windows95, and WinNT 4.0 workstation and server). Responsible for designing, integrating and maintaining the Force Integration MasterPlanner (FIM) network, the Graphics/Multimedia network and the Models and Simulations network. The FIM network includes two WinNT4.0 Server Systems, one Solaris Server, two Symbolics servers and one DEC AlphaStation server, as well as 55 workstations. The Graphics/Multimedia network includes Intel PCs and Apple Macintoshes. The Models and Simulations network includes Intel PCs, SUN SPARCstation’s and DEC VMS systems. Maintained the NIS, DNS, and NFS servers. Implemented automount on Solaris and DEC Unix NFS servers on the FIM network. Configured and tuned system parameters on servers and workstations to be integrated on a network. Performed upgrades to all operating systems and application software. Designed, developed and maintained an inventory database for the hardware and software products for the FIM project. Gathered competitive quotes for new hardware, software and annual maintenance agreements. Processed ODC and purchase order (PO) forms for hardware and software purchases for the FIM project. Gathered and consolidated the annual hardware and software requirements for each of the projects under the AIMP contract. Worked directly with the AIMP Program Manager update and maintain the program spend plan. During budget drills, coordinated with project leaders to determine the priority of each of their hardware/software requirements to recommend to the AIMP Program Manager possible cuts to the spend plan. Produced and maintained a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the FIM System Administrator position in Word 6.0. Converted the SOPs into HTML code on the FIM Intranet.

Level 8 Systems IDA