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Rudy's Struck by Cupid!
nick cupid right

Well we hear so much about internet "love connections" 2-leggeds meeting other 2-leggeds, wedding bells ringing blah blah blah. Well... who says this phenomena is limited to the 2-leggeds. Rudy has fallen quite hard for a lovely little bearded lady name Lily several schnauzer sites away. He wrote a poem hoping Miss Lily might surf by his way as it would surely make his day.

Rudy Begging Pleeease
Pleeease be my Valentine!!!

heart throbbing Ode to the Lovely Miss Lily of London heart throbbing


Although we're an ocean apart
That Miss Lily managed to steal my heart

Oh yes with Miss Lily I am quite smitten
I swear its by the love bug that I've been bitten

When I first surfed into her site, "Lily's Box"
I knew right away that she was quite a fox

I fell in love with her picture there
That Miss Lily with the black and silver hair

She's got a long and silky beard that just won't quit
Gosh I sure hope she doesn't think I'm a nitwit

Of course one of my biggest fears
Is that she might laugh at my ears

I've been neutered that was my fate
But that's ok it makes me a safe date

Oh they call me "Rudy the Cad"
But she must know I'm really not all that bad

I have a very sweet and tender side...
And with Miss Lily I'd gladly share my rawhide

Oh she's such a sweet young thing
And this old boy sure would like a fling

I'd just like one little sniff
In return she could also take a wiff

Oh if Miss Lily would just give me one lick
I'd know for sure I was her Valentine's Day pick

Quit that laughing at me Mr. Nick
I know, you think I'm just love sick

The Lovely Miss Lily
The Lovely Miss Lily

heart line

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!

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Send Nick&Rudy
A Valentine's Greeting

Please no chocolates for the furbuddies, it can be deadly. But a nice rawhide or milkbone treat would be nice!

Special thanks to Children's Software and More! and Benita's World for some of the Valentine's Day graphics.

© 1997-2000 Nick & Rudy

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