Welcome. RuthieRama is home base for Ruth Moran (and her folks too).
This girl has potential!!
We created this site to show off our lovely daughter Ruth (we're so proud!)
RuthieRama is loads of fun, with pictures, video, and other cool stuff too!
Seriously though, Ruth has a rare, untreatable form of neuromuscular disease. The fun pics and quick bio are a hook to introduce Ruth and find nice folks with knowledge of similar cases or diagnoses.
We hope you are one of those nice people.
If so, we promise this won't hurt a bit -- and the pictures really are fun.
This site was inspired by the folks at Our Kids
an Email Support Group for Parents of Children with Special Needs. You
should see the Our Kids Web Page, a great Web site by a great bunch of
people! It's very informative and has great links to other Web sites,
Go anywhere you want on this site, there are navigation bars on the left of every page.
Drop us a line
, ok?