MONDAY MORNING MOMENTS July 21, 1996 Vol. II Number 26
Ps. 17:7-8 “Your love is wonderful. By your power you save those who trust you from their enemies. Protect me as you would protect your own eye. Hide me under the shadow of your wings.”
Lately I’ve been thinking about how woderful God is and what a joy it is to serve him. Max Lucado recently said “simply because you can’t put your hands around something doesn’t mean it’s not there. In fact, those things that are most precious to us are the things that are invisible, aren’t they? Love, tenderness, happiness, air, feelings, emotions - those things we cannot touch, but they are very real.”
So it is with God’s power: It may not be touchable, but it’s real and it’s obtainable. God wants you to have it and value it. Those things I value most cannot be bought or even earned. I must simply receive it. Is there hope? You bet? Isn’t God wonderful!!!
“Look at the Nations and watch - and be UTTERLY AMAZED. for I am going to do something in YOUR days that you would not believe even if you were told” Habakkuk 1:5