Monday Morning Moments

MONDAY MORNING MOMENTS August 18 1997 Vol. II Number 30

Many years ago, a little boy was given a priceless possession: His deceased grandfather’s gold pocket watch. How he treasured it! But one day, while playing at his father’s ice plant, he lost the watch amid all the ice and sawdust.

He searched and scratched, becoming frantic, but no watch. Then he suddenly realized what to do. He stopped scurrying around and became very still. In the silence, he heard the watch ticking.]

God has given each of us a priceless gift of joy in Jesus. How easy it is to lose our joy in the scurrying around of life. How easy it for the fire to go out. Yet it is always there to find, if we will but pause and listen to the beautiful presence of Jesus in our hearts. As we pause to listen Jesus will fan the flame and the fire will burn brightly.

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint” Isaiah 40:31

“Look at the Nations and watch - and be UTTERLY AMAZED. for I am going to do something in YOUR days that you would not believe even if you were told” Habakkuk 1:5

Pastor Lyle

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