Monday Morning Moments

MONDAY MORNING MOMENTS Oct. 26, 1998 Vol. III Number 41

According to I Corinthians, there is no other foundation, Jesus Christ is the foundation that has already been laid by God the Father. In other words, God just “is.” He is certain as the law of gravity. He is as much reality as the changing seasons or the earth on which we walk. We do not choose a foundation; rather, we choose only whether we will build on the foundation or whether we will build without a foundation.

Repeatedly the New Testament stresses the exclusiveness of the Christian faith in that the only God disclosed himself fully in the person of Jesus Christ, his only Son. It is not a question of whether or not one can find some good in all religions. It is rather the question of who God is and how we may serve him. The writers of the New Testament were inspired to believe that there are no rivals to Jesus Christ. He is the only complete revelation of God. The only foundation on which we can build our live.

In Philippians 2:5-11 we have a beautiful hymn that tells us that Jesus the Son of God, previously existed on an equality with the Father but freely gave up all of that to come into the world, taking the humble form of a servant and giving his life that we might be brought to God. In Galatians 4:4-6 we are told that God, who had disclosed himself in the history of the Old Testament came in the fullness of time in the person of Jesus Christ, his Son, so that we might receive reconciliation with God and adoption into God’s family.

This exclusiveness of the Christian faith is not arrogant. Rather, we are under the orders of God to tell all creatures in the world of this salvation because it is the expression of the supreme love of the almighty God.

“Look at the Nations and watch - and be UTTERLY AMAZED. for I am going to do something in YOUR days that you would not believe even if you were told” Habakkuk 1:5

Pastor Lyle

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