MONDAY MORNING MOMENTS Nov. 30, 1998 Vol. III Number 46
The Koh-I-noor diamond is among the most spectacular in the world. Queen Victoria received it as a gift from a maharajah when he was a lad. Later as a grown man this maharajah visited Queen Victoria again. He requested that the stone be brought from the Tower of London to Buckingham Palace. The maharajah took the diamond and , kneeling before the queen, gave it back to her saying, “Your majesty, I gave this jewel when I was a child, too young to know what I was doing. I want to give it to you again in the fullness of my strength, with all of my heart and affection, and gratitude, now and forever fully realizing all that I do.”
As believers in Jesus Christ, we need to reiterate those words offering again our lives to Jesus Christ: “I want to give you back my life, Lord Jesus, that I gave you several years ago. I want to give it again to you with gratitude, fully cognizant of all that I am doing.” Why not this Christmas season give your life to Jesus again.
“Look at the Nations and watch - and be UTTERLY AMAZED. for I am going to do something in YOUR days that you would not believe even if you were told” Habakkuk 1:5
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