My Trip to Europe May-July

(1a) London - Liz and I land here in the evening of 3rd of May. Sleep forever.

(2) Calais - after a few days in London I leave for France. Bonjour cobbers!

(3) Paris - a quick stop here on my way south. Or maybe a few days. Depends.

(4) Italy - stop here for a while to catch my breath. Practice my laughable Italian.

(5) Italian Lakes - a few days here. I'm told it is beautiful. This is what I came for!

(6) Rome & the Almalfi Coast - Can you see me? I'm the one with the shorts and the big lazy smile!

(7) Venice - this is where Liz and I meet up again. A Good Thing.

(8) Austria - potter around here together. I'm thinking Alps, I'm thinking lederhosen, I'm thinking stereotypes.

(9) Hungary - this could be a bit interesting. Guidebook glued to hand.

(10) Romania - civilization a distant glow on the Western horizon. With luck, blunder through alive.

(11) Czech Republic - emerge from wilderness. Liz departs for Norway. Boo-hoo.

(12) Berlin - a night or so here

(13) Brugges - I understand that it is lovely. Will be in a position to see for myself.

(14) Britain - all over the shop here, including time in Scotland and Dorset looking into family history things.

(15) Republic of Ireland. Maybe Baby - let's see if I get time.

(1b) London (again) - jetting out of here the last day of July.

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