Brian and Kelly are the typical working couple owned by the four-legged family members.

Newt (Dundanes Newton Chancellor) was born on April 06, 1996 and joined our family at the age of 7 weeks. Newt has completed obedience classes and has been going to daycare since the age of 6 months. We knew he would need a companion and playmate at home someday also.

Chase (German Shorthaired Pointer) was born on November 06, 1996 and joined our family on February 14, 1997. Newt loved his little brother, but the two of them were a mismatch and it became evident, as Chase became older. We had the opportunity to place Chase in a home that would better suite his needs and allow him to utilize his natural hunting and swimming instincts. Chase was placed at his new home on October 04, 1997.

Kilo (DJ Dances Like The Wind) was born on May 12, 1995 and joined our family on October 04, 1997. Kilo and Newt are like the saying "Two Peas In A Pod." They adore and respect each other. They will continue to go to daycare until the morning arrives that they are not excited and waiting to go anymore.

Tabby (Miss Kitty) joined our family in November of 1982 as a kitten and tolerates having the dogs around. She likes to tease them, but does not like to be touched by them.

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