tips on being more patient...

if you're getting impatient with someone else,
put yourself in their shoes...
how would you want to be treated if
you were in their position?

make sure you have your quiet time
every day...
when is the last time you watched the sun set
or went for a leisurely stroll in the park?

leave margins in your life...
don't fill your life with so many responsibilities
that you'll end up going nuts.
know your limits & reserve a little leeway

an exercise in patience...

first find a place in a quiet, relaxed setting.
sit or stand in a comfortable position.
either close your eyes or pick an object to focus on.
then do nothing for one whole minute!

you can ponder an idea during this time,
or better yet, just clear your thoughts.

next time, try increasing from one minute to
two, three, five, ten, even fifteen minutes!
imagine how patient you'll be after practicing this! :)

note: you'll probably have to practice
every day for at least two weeks before
noticing significant changes. but it's worth it!!

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