Welcome to the September 1998 Moms Website! :)

The September Moms mailing list is a list for moms and dads with children born or due September 1998. Our members are a variety of ages and come from many different backgrounds. One of us is on her fifth! Some of us are stay-at-home-moms (SAHM); others work outside the home in a variety of professions. Some of the members started motherhood in their teens. Others are having their first child in their thirties or forties. Additionally, some are planning natural births, whether at home or at a birthing center.

Above all the differences, we enjoy sharing with each other the changes our bodies, minds, and spirits go through during the 40 weeks of pregnancy. While we are geographically all over the world, we are united through motherhood.

We hope you enjoy our website, thanks for visiting!

Last updated August 15th, 2000
© September 1998 Moms, all rights reserved

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