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Since August 29, 1997 2:52pm

I work for the Post Office where I do maintenance work for them. Yes I do own guns and know how to use them too. I figured someone had to be wondering that. I also work for Blackbeards Amusement Park at night, as a Maintenance man.

I was in the U.S. Navy from Jan. 1962 to April 1, 1992. I joined when I was 17 years old and still in school.

The picture below is of me when I retired from the Navy after 30 years of service, I was a Chief , E-7.
1992(Marshall's Retirement)

During my years in the Military I went to many different places. The Phillapines, China, Japan, Alaska, Hawaii, 2 tours of duty in Vietnam, Florida, New Orleans, Mississippi, Norfolk, Virginia, Moffett Field, Alameda, and Lemoore CA. So as you can see I went many places and have seen lots of things.

When I was at Moffett Field I was part of a 12 man team, that developed and wrote manuals for overhauling the P3 Orion Engine and Aircraft Assembly Systems. Which are still in use by any squadrons that work on P3's.

I was aboard three Air Craft Carriers.

U.S.S. Bennington CVS 20 (Scrapped 09/13/93)

Will be retired in a ceremony this fall.

U.S.S. Oriskeny Combat (unknown)

USS. Nimitz CVAN68

The Nimitz Homeport is Bremerton, WA. It is now in the Pacific.

The Nimitz Battle Group (Pacific Fleet)

Com Car Gru 7: U.S.S. Nimitz CVN 68, U.S.S. Lake Champlain CG 57, U.S.S. Port Royal CG 73

The Nimitz will relocate to Northfork, Virginia for refueling by the end of 1997.


Air Craft I  worked on.

P-3 Orion * A-4 Sky Hawk * A-3D Sky Warrior * F-18 Hornet


I also spent a short time working on SH3 Alpha Scorsky Helicopters


This tune "Pink Panther" means alot to me. When I was stationed at Moffett Field, I was in a squadron that was called the Pink Panthers. We even had our own wine labels. It was called Pink Penot. We also had the Pink Panther painted on the P-3 Orions that were in our squadron.

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