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Kids at Uncle John's Wedding

This page last updated on July 2, 2002.

We are pleased to present: Jared's Baby Page Jared John

Brian and Kendra at Terrace View apartment Brian and Kendra in front of our old Reston, VA house

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College Days at Virginia Tech!!!
Hokies VT

Brian has a Bachelor's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Virginia Tech.

His first job after college was for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

He now has a position as a Member of the Engineering Staff at Lockheed Martin in Moorestown, NJ.

Kendra has a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech.

She used to work for Sallie Mae as a network operations specialist while we lived in Reston. Sallie Mae provides one of the nation's largest secondary markets for student loans.

Now she also works as a Senior Member of the Engineering Staff at Lockheed Martin in Moorestown, NJ.

If you'd like to send us mail, we'd love to hear from you

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