Ch. LochWynde Illusion
Ch. LochWynde Illusion
Ch.Tartanside Capital Gain x Ch. LochWynde's Ice Dancer

Right from the beginning, Lulu captured our hearts, not only because of her personality, but because we saw in her, all that we had hoped for when we did the breeding. She made us proud at the 1999 CCA National in Springfield, placing third in the Am-Bred Rough Bitch Class. Not bad for a 10 month old!

After finishing her Championship, Lulu produced a litter of 7 puppies by our Woodleigh. We hope to take her out to be shown again as a Special, and also to give her another chance in the whelping box.

Ch. LochWynde Illusion

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Web Design and Graphics by Sherry Hepfer of Creekside Collies
Photos and Content Property of LochWynde Collies
All Rights Reserved!