Good health is necessary for prolonged life. If you plan on being around awhile, best take care of yourself.

When we're young and foolish we tend to think we're invincible, but all that drinking and/or drugging will catch up to you. Your body is like that "elephant that doesn't forget." May seem like everything is fine now, but at some point your body throws up little flags of memories. A pain here, discomfort there, aches and numbness everywhere.

When I was young I wanted to be dead by thirty, but I seemed to have missed that mark (NOT for a failure of trying*G*)

Smoking will kill you, a bad diet will kill you, drugs and alcohol will kill you, sexual indiscretions and thrill seeking will even kill you eventually.

So you have options, the choices you make you will pay for, after all....we're only human.

Laws (Of "Just Check All Of The Above")

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