

“So You Want To Understand"

You say to me, "It's been twelve years,
when will your grieving end?"
"Why can't you be like you once were,
my smiling happy friend?"

If you really want an answer,
though, I wonder if you do,
I'll take you deep inside me,
where sadness dims the view.
First, my "friend" for your sake,
come close and take my hand,
And we will pray that what I share,
you won't have to understand.

The me you once knew is no more,
it died with my child,
A voice was stilled forever, yet,
the echo drives me wild.

You say you lost Aunt Bertha,
so you have known death too,
Aunt Bertha, however, was not your child,
and she was eighty, not twenty-one.

I barely survived those first months,
coping was a dreadful task,
I'd tell you I was fine,
while sobbing behind my mask.

If I talked about my precious child,
you turned away in fear,
You couldn't stand to see me cry,
nor would you share my tears.

I wanted to speak of her, please,
won't you say her name?
But, you pretend she never was,
so she died over and over again.

Oh, I see that you're uncomfortable,
you no longer want my hand,
so as it was before we talked, my "friend",
you don't want to understand!!!
Author Unknown


Footprints in the Sand

One night a man
had a dream.
He dreamt he was
walking with the Lord.
Across the sky
flashed scenes of his life.
For each scene,
he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand;
one belonged to him,
and the other to the Lord

. When the last scene of
his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the
footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times
along the path of his life there
was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it had
happened at the very lowest
and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered the man and
he questioned the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said that once I decided
to follow you, you'd walk with me all
the way. But I have noticed that during
the most troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed
you most, you would leave me."

The Lord replied,
"My precious child, I love you
and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
."Author" Mary Stevenson


Footprints in the Sand was Kandi's favorite poem, she read it for both her Grandma's funeral's. We also had a tape of Christy Lane singing it for their funeral.


The next two poems were writen for Kandi and Jeramie's 12th Heaven date, by Charlene Dikerson. Thank you Charlene, they mean the world to me and are beautiful.



C ome close dear Lord and hear my prayer
bless my family on earth there.

A ngels send with strength to lend
as on your mercy they depend.

N ear them Father always stay
and help them through each new day.

D ear Lord you know I needed to be
here in heaven for eternity.

A lways let them know I care
as memories comes so rare.

C herished they are and will always be
I look forward to when they'll be home with me.

E verlasting love I send
this seperation is not the end.

Charlene Dickerson ©2000



J esus hear this prayer today
let my family know I am okay.

E ndless love lives on in eternity
and one day they'll be home with me.

R emind them of the special times we share
and let them know that I will always care.

A ngels walk with me through each new day
ever since from earth I was called away.

M iss me, but know I miss you too
you still have work on earth to do.

I n times of deepest sorrow
glimpse my tomorrow.

E ver know that heaven is real,
and this is not goodbye.... it's just until.

Charlene Dickerson ©2000


Were Free

Don't grieve for us,
For now were free
Were following. the path God has laid you see
We took his hand when we heard him call
We turned our back, and left it all
We could not stay another day
to laugh, to love, to work, or play
Task left undone must stay that way
We found that peace at the close of the day

If our parting has left a void
Then fill it with remembered joys
A friendship shared, A laugh, A kiss
Oh yes, these things we to will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow
We wish you the sunshine of tomorrow

Our life's been full, we've savored much
Goodfriends, good times, A loved ones touch
Perhaps our time seems all too brief
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief
Lift up your hearts, and peace to thee
God wanted us now
He set us free.


A Loan

The Lord Looked down to earth on day,
and waw a couple there.
He said, "Now those two people make a lovely pair.
I have some spirits here with me that need a
home on earth.
I think that I shall bless these folks with a precious
spirits birth.

This baby, though, is just a Loan.
These are the terms My dears,
She may live there just sixty days or she may live
for sixty years.
I hope you'll treat my spirit kindly while she's down
on earth with you.
For when she comes back here to me she has a
special job to do.

She'll bring you joy and heartache, She'll cause
strife and care
And she'll bring unto your lives my dears, Love that
you can share
But remember she's my spirit and she's just been loaned
down there.
She has a job to do up here so help her to prepare.

And now I've called my spirit back the job you did was fine.
The spirit that belonged to me is now both yours and mine.
I knew that when I called her back it would cause
bitter tears
But your sharing in her glory and the profit of her years.

I only sent her as a loan to make your home more bright
So you could teach her right from wrong, and tuck her in at night.
My loan is paying dividens, I want you both to know.
I'm glad I loaned that spirit to you two down below.
Author Unknown


Kandi & Jeramie
Pennie JoDean
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