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http://hamstercam.frogtown.com/ = Hamster Cam! Yes, thats right, a camera that takes a picture every minute of someone's occupied hamster cage. Uploads every minute. Very cool.

http://www.cif.rochester.edu/~loopey/hamrules.html = Although the speeling isn't entirely perfect, the content is worth the read. Your basic hamster rules (those once unspoken rules).

http://www.expage.com/page/hamsterlanguage = A short tutorial on the advanced body language of a hamster. Hamster language. Every wonder what "That" means? Be more specific and get an answer here.

http://geocities.datacellar.net/EnchantedForest/Dell/2937/hamcalc.html = Find out how much of a hamster lover you are with this simple, quick, easy test. Need I say more?

http://www.wpcusrgrp.org/~blowe/hcode.html#Dwelling = Your hamster has its own, individual code. Do you know your hamster well? Then try this code, and learn more about it. It's a hamster code. Want to see a code in action? http://www.wpcusrgrp.org/~blowe/rosebud.html#Code

http://www.angelfire.com/id/jacheong/names.html = The claimed "longest and best" list of hamster names on the net. If your interested in finding a better name than "Hamster", "Hammy", or "Rat" for your hamster, than I suggest you take a look.

http://www.scvleon.com/pauline/ph061797.htm = Are you crazy about hamsters? Do you want to by dozens of them, and give them to your friends and your old teachers and your co-workers? How about your mother in-law. Think twice about hamster ownership. Go here. The Hell of Hamster Ownership.

Are any of these links out of date, moved, or not-working? E-mail me at 6909@excite.com

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