Hamster Haven: Diseases


[Care guide|Health]

It's a good idea to keep a supply of hamster medicine handy

What you noticePossible causes you can remedy yourselfLikely diagnosis and treatment by vet
Apathetic BehaviorEnviornment too cold (hibernation)Could be anything, possibly infection
Bald SpotsOne-sided dietDeficiency symptom
Weight lossToo little foodSign of old age or symptom of some disease
Sof to runny stool (with sour smell)Bad food, damp bedding, drafts, being too cool, one-sided diet, intestinal infectionDiarrhea; wet-tail
Sneezing, rasping breathingTemperature too cold or hot, air too dry or humid, draftsPneumonia
Refusal of foodConditions that are too cool and damp, overheating, drafts, abnormal position of teeth (after a fall or overgrowth), injury to cheek pouchA cold; overgrown teeth; wound to cheek pouch
Overgrown teeth, overgrown clawsLack of oportunity to dig, climb, or eat Teeth or claws have to be trimmed by a vet
Light bleeding, wounds with scabsInjury from pointed objects or from fights between rivalsDab minor injuries with tincture of iodine (wear gloves for saftey); take animal with serious wounds to a vet
Limping; dragging one legInjury from pointed ovbects, loss of ability to walk correctly, or from fights between rivalsContusion or fracture, or possible anti-infection medication
Avoidance of lightConjuntivitis caused by draft or bad (dusty) bedding (cedar, pine, celulose, aspen)Inflammation of the eyes, possibly meningitis (LCM, see Health)
Continual scratching, inflamed skinUnsanitary conditions, poor care, parasites picked up from other petsParasites, fungi

Why this would be usefull: To know how serious something you noticed about your hamster is, to know what to do to treat it and/or what it was caused by, and to know what the vet might/should use to fix it.